‘Sugar. It’s not me. It’s you’: Mum pens an emotional break up letter… from sugar!

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One clever mum has compared her relationship to sugar like having a bad ex – as can be read in her AWESOME ‘Dear John’ break-up letter below.

Rae Willingham, who follows the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, reveals why she feels it’s time for her to say goodbye to sugar FOR GOOD.

Rae is saying goodbye to sugar. Source: Supplied

Rae’s break-up note to sugar

Let’s chat about that pesky little sneaky fox who goes by the name of sugar. You all know him. He’s done things to me that he’s done to you… But somehow he’s been getting away with it. Not any more!

Sugar is not as sweet as he sounds. He may taste delicious at first – but once you start to educate yourself about the effects of sugar in your body – he becomes sour real fast!


Sugar. It’s not me. It’s you. I am breaking up with you.

The trickiest thing about undergoing a sugar detox is that slippery little tike is in EVERYTHING! Even the things you didn’t realise.

So my number one tip for myself for moving on is to flip the packet and READ the nutritional label.

Sugar lied to me. Even on the things that look healthy and hides in the health food aisle.

We all know the usual culprits; soft drink, lollies, chocolates etc… but sugar can be found in an abundance of drinks, in muesli bars, in jarred sauces, in cereal (it may be high fibre but it’s also high in the sweet stuff too)!

rae's healthier breakfast options

Most supermarket yoghurts contain just as much sugar as an ice cream! I feel so betrayed.

Lots of baby and kid food contains a good dose of the white stuff too – so read everything! I won’t let him back into my life again, tricked or otherwise.

You can claim ignorance for a while but your body knows different and it will be telling you loudly what it thinks of it in terms of your mood and energy levels. Listen to your intuition, ladies!

I’ve decided I’m giving my love to the foods that are good for me. They may remind me of sugar, taste just as good, but they’re NOT him. Which is all I can wish for.

That’s why I’m on the 28 Day – Sugar Detox  28 Day Weight Loss Challenge to get the 411 on sugar and get myself better aquatinted with a whole host of foods that will make your body scream hallelujah whilst your tastebuds yell a loud “THANK YOU MUMMA” too!!

Already, some really quick and easy sugar swaps that I have implemented are honey or vanilla bean extract in greek natural yoghurt or better yet – A tablespoon of the Caramel Healthy Mummy Smoothie mix if you haven’t tried it. He’s so much better to me than sugar ever was. And I can trust he will treat my body with the respect it deserves.

I’m moving on RIGHT NOW from sugar! And you should too. You deserve better. DO IT TONIGHT! Or right now, like this second! It is the bombdiggity!


Other things I’ve done to help myself get over sugar, is to use The Healthy Mummy Chia Jam recipe in place of the usual sugar filled varieties.

Switching out the soft drink for some soda water with some frozen fruit is also a great way to get the bubbles minus the sugar hit.

Bliss Balls

Get rid of the packaged morning tea snacks and replace with Healthy Mummy bliss balls – try these 10 yummy and easy to make bliss ball recipes.

Healthy Mummy baking has become the norm in my house now.

I am no longer naive and fooled by every day ‘good’ foods which are actually not so good food. I’ve been tricked for the very last time. And I’m taking the girls with me into my new non-sugar life.

with girls

Convenience comes at a price with sugar being used as a preservative and this is why being prepared and cooking the best and freshest meals you can is so very important.

It isn’t hard, but the Challenge will show you that and this month will clue you up on how delicious food can be without the side dose of free sugars.


Taste buds soon adapt to the better choices and sugar becomes a big no-no because although delicious, it doesn’t do your body any good and we wanna do good for our bods as often as we can because we only get one bod and I wanna keep mine gloriously healthy to enjoy as many tomorrows as I am blessed with.

So goodbye sugar. This is the end for us, and I will never be going back. I’m slowly getting stronger, I’m healing and I’m moving on. I look forward to a blissful life without you in it.



Rae we absolutely LOVE your break-up letter! And we 100 per cent agree with EVERYTHING you have to say. You’re right, sugar is like a cheeky ex who has tricked us over and over again. Good for you for standing up for yourself and moving on!

Rae’s AMAZING *25kg Weight Loss Story

weight again

Mum of three children young children, Rae, has overcome negative self belief in the face of  some very big obstacles. After losing 25kgs* and maintaining her goal weight with The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss challenges she says:

“I am no longer the girl who suffered debilitating anxiety and regular panic attacks. The one full of excuses not to go out and enjoy life. I am now this amazing butterfly who loves her life and lives it with no worries (well far fewer, I am still a woman after all!)”.

dear sugar


Get your FREE Sugar Detox guide and recipes here.

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