‘I feel like a whole new woman’: Annika drops 27kgs* and feels incredible
Annika Oakley was sick of feeling lethargic all the time. This mum had ENOUGH of sitting on the sidelines watching all the fun happen around her. Annika made the decision it was time to get fit! With the support of The Healthy Mummy, this gorgeous mum has lost an INCREDIBLE 27kgs*. Annika is now feeling healthy, bubbly and beyond energetic (not to mention her love for clothes shopping has been revitalised)!
Meet Annika Oakley
Annika is 25 and lives in Western Australia. She is married with two boys: four and a one and a half year old.
What was your starting weight?
My starting weight was 130.7kgs* in August 2016.
What was the motivation for you to lose weight?
My motivation for losing weight was so I could be happy within myself.
I was sick of feeling lethargic all the time – I never had any energy! I wanted to be able to run and play with my two boys, not just sit on the sidelines and watch.
Did anything trigger it?
Yes, I realised that all the photos of me were of the neck up. The full body shots of me I absolutely hated! They made me so sad that I had let myself get to this weight and that I was too lazy to do anything about it.
I stopped wallowing in self pity and made a plan to get fit!
How did you lose the weight?
I lost the weight from The Healthy Mummy Smoothies, having them once a day for breakfast.
My favourite is vanilla!! Its extremely versatile! When I’m busy I enjoy a Healthy Mummy smoothie for lunch too!! I am currently breastfeeding my one and a half year old, so it was really important to use something that was breastfeeding friendly!
I also exercise daily – walking is my stress reliever.
You can purchase a Healthy Mummy smoothie here!
How long has it taken?
It has taken me around five months to lose the weight. I am super surprised at how quick it has come off!
What’s the motivation to stay on track?
I have a motivation board which keeps me on track – I track how many kilograms I’ve lost and how many I have to go, I have my weight loss goals and my rewards on there too.
I want my two boys to grow up with a mother that loves her body and is proud! Not one that hides away in shame.
What advice can you give another Healthy Mum?
The only advice I have is that you have to really want this. You have to work hard and have a positive mindset. Food is not the enemy, having a good relationship with how you see food is so important. Every day is a new day and if you fall off the wagon, you can always start again tomorrow!
What do you weigh now?
I currently weigh 103.7kgs and am wanting to get to a weight of around 85-90kgs.
Who are you doing this for and why?
I am doing this for me.
I want body confidence, to love and be proud of the body that grew two amazing children.
I am doing it for my boys too so that they can see what a happy mum looks like. So I can play with them at the playground and have fun! I suppose I am doing it for my husband too so that he can have his happy wife back!
What has changed in your life since losing the weight?
Since losing the weight I feel like a whole new woman!
I love clothes shopping again, I don’t have to shop in the plus size section and I feel comfortable enough to wear short shorts! I am happy, bubbly and energetic! I sleep better and I am just overall really happy!
Awesome work Annika!
Annika from all of us at The Healthy Mummy HQ we just want to say thank you for sharing your story. We love that you feel so happy – and that you’re even sleeping better! Bonus! What mumma doesn’t want that?!?
Motivated to get fit like Annika? Then join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY! We have OVER 350 fat burning exercises, thousands of delicious and totally healthy recipes and 24/7 support to help keep you on track!
So, what have you got to lose (except the baby weight?)
Join us today! Next challenge starts SOON!