Healthy Smoothie Recipes
Find healthy, nutritious, and incredibly satisfying healthy smoothie recipes to add to your weight loss meal plan here!
These delicious weight loss smoothies are perfect for busy mums you want to lose weight post-pregnancy. With recipes from our Healthy Mummy Community and team, you’ll enjoy sensational smoothie recipes for weight loss that are perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!
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Super Green smoothie that packs a punch
Here’s an easy entry point into the world of green smoothies. Made with the mild taste of baby spinach…
Swap Your High Calorie Frappe For This Delicious, HEALTHY Iced Smoothie
A big thank you to Ash Petroff, from our Healthy Mummy community for sending in this delicious looking smoothie…
The Ultimate Smoothie To Ease Morning Sickness
Many women suffer terribly from nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy. Unlike what books and movies might lead you…
Chocolate Thickie – The BEST Ever Healthy Chocolate Milkshake
If you’re out of bananas, had enough of them, or the ones you have are too green, we have…
Healthy Chocolate Doughnut Smoothie
OMG if your jaw isn’t on the floor with this recipe then – I congratulate you for your self…
Spring Detox Smoothie
Revitalise your body with The Healthy Mummy’s Spring Detox Smoothie The transition from winter to spring often calls for…
Time Poor Smoothie
Get the maximum amount of nutrients and minerals in your healthy eating plan by making a smoothie. Use kale…
Immunity Boosting Smoothie
To help prevent winter bugs and keep you healthy, the Vitamin C and ginger in this Immunity Boosting Smoothie…
Extra Energy Smoothie
There’s no doubt chocolate delivers an energy boost, but when you’re on a health or weight loss journey you…
No Sleep Healthy Mummy Smoothie
When you’ve been up half the night, you need a serious energy boost to start the day! This creamy,…
BEAT dark eye circles with this smoothie
Milk Supply Boosting Smoothie Recipe
Sneaky SNICKERS smoothie bowl
The “Sneaky Snickers” has been one of our all time FAVOURITE smoothie recipes for a while now. So today…