What these 10 mums are doing to SMASH their September goals (and how you can too)

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Can you believe it is September already? Where has the year gone? Can you believe there is only 3 more months until SUMMER is here?

In preparation for beach weather, our Healthy Mummy September Motivating Mums are revealing how they intend to stick the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge Meal Planstay focussed, SMASH their September goals and inch closer (and closer) to achieving their overall weight and fitness goal.

Be prepared ladies to feel inspired and motivated to tackle you own weight loss goals. 


What these 10 mums are doing to SMASH their September goals (and how you can too)

1.Sacha Farley

Through the help of the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and Healthy Mummy Smoothies, Sascha has been able to lose an impressive 20+ kilograms. 

Sacha goes on to reveal, “The Healthy Mummy has changed my life. It pushed me to be more educated, it made me explore food on a deeper level and experiment. Im no longer afraid of food.” 

“I’ve never looked back, I’ve developed a life long, healthy relationship with food.”


This September Sacha is on a mission to lift her BOOTY! Which should be incredibly easy – given that this month’s Challenge is all about TONING and TIGHTENING your bum and thighs.

Here’s how Sacha plans to stay on track and achieve her ultimate goal (and how you can too):

  • Get a buddy! Whether you work out with them, check in with them daily, whatever it is, share the load and team up.
  • Exercise – do it even when you don’t feel like it! You wont regret the work outs you DO.
  • Practice self love –  Practice it daily, if you aren’t making changes out of love and for health – your results and motivation wont last. This journey is MORE than just about weight loss. It’s about body love and appreciation.

2.Laura Flanagan

Before falling pregnant with baby number three, Laura turned to The Healthy Mummy to help her improve her health, better her eating habits and prioritise her fitness.

And an added bonus of the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and drinking Healthy Mummy Smoothiesshe lost an incredible 34 kilograms.

When Laura fell pregnant with her latest bub, she said it was by far her healthiest pregnancy ever and credits the help of The Healthy Mummy.

As for her September mission, Laura says, her goal is to “lose a kilo a week and continue exercising five times a week.”


When it comes to staying focussed and on track, Laura suggests:
  • Schedule in exercise like you would an appointment, no cancelling, value your commitment.
  • Meal plan and only shop for what’s on your 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge Meal Plan.
  • Make sure you have healthy treats on hand and ready to go.

3.Brittany Carter

This month Brittany says she is on a mission to, “Love myself more and really reflect on the journey I’ve had so far with Healthy Mummy. I think we focus so much on the end outcome we can lose track of how far we’ve really come.”


She plans to attack the following (and encourages other mums to do the same):

  • Keep my water intake at at least 2L daily.
  • Tone my belly and butt – think Booty Busting Workouts and Tabata on the Challenge App.
  • Get a friend! Whether it be in person walking together or FitBit challenges have someone along side you who wants to keep you focused.
  • Make a goal chart with a picture of why you started this journey so you can always remember that and reflect!
  • Utilise the Facebook Support Group, the Challenge App, and Challenge workout routines! Theres soo many different support avenues so just find what suits YOU! And do ask questions if you feel overwhelmed!

4.Nikola Green

This incredible mum has lost over 17kgs* and 110+ cms using 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and  Smoothies.


This inspiring mum of twins is on a mission this month to “take advantage of the amazing Challenge exercises, Tabata and DanceFit on offer on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge App!”

Her tips for staying on track include:

  • Take photos and cm measurements. Don’t be defined by a number. The scales might not move but you will see and feel a difference.
  • Use the Facebook Support Groups for support – share your highs and lows, they’ll pick you back up and get you on track again.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. We are all on the same path but will get there at different times. Direction is so much more important than speed. Many are going nowhere fast!

5.Sam Stevenson

Sam’s since managed to lose an amazing 16kg following the birth of her fourth child, and then 7kg after the birth of her fifth child following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges.


Sam has two major goals for September. They are:

  • Keep up with my consistent exercising and start toning.
  • Continue with not mindless eating at night time.

Here are her top three TIPS for achieving these goals (and helping other mums do the same):

  • Know your food triggers and be prepared with healthier Healthy Mummy recipes and snack alternatives.
  • Don’t let other people’s successes mess with your head and hinder you from reaching your goals. Small steps and realistic goals are far more achievable.
  • Make time for exercise. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

6.Rebecca Garofeletti

Healthy mummy Rebecca has changed not just hers but also her family’s lives AND she’s lost 17kgs by following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Rebecca says, “The variations of meals [on the Challenge] have completely changed the way we eat. We love trying new things. Since starting The Healthy Mummy we have cut out soft drink and for us this is so important for our two daughters.”

highcompress-MM_Rebecca Garofeletti

Rebecca says, “My September goal is to hit goal weight. Only 1.5kgs to go!

“I would also love to get some shape back into my flat cardio bum so integrating more squats into my routine is a great start. Also my water intake has suffered a little since returning to work full time from maternity leave so a focus on this is very important for me for my over all health.”

Here are her 3 tip tips for staying on track:

  • Plan your day, write it down and have it in front of you. That way you can tick off your meals and exercise as you go.
  • Don’t let one miss step set you up for a day or week of failures. Just except the cheat meal or day off exercise and choose to make better choices at the next chance.
  • Remember this is a lifestyle change not a diet. Everything you do has to be sustainable and apart of your routine and then it’s easy!

7.Libby Butler

Despite suffering from PCOS most of her life, Libby credits the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges for helping her lose 14 + kilograms and improving her overall sense of well being.

“Nothing I had tried previously worked for me. Being able to customise the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge Meal Plan has meant that I can change the program to suit me, my family, our preferences, our budget and my health needs.”


For September, Libby is on a mission to accomplish the following goals:

  • To tone my booty so it looks fabulous in my goal shorts this Summer
  • To tone my body by upping my strength training
  • To continue losing those last few kilos
  • To tackle mindless snacking and not make poor food choices in the evening.

Her top tips for staying on track are:

  • Break goals down into smaller manageable pieces, and reward yourself along the way.
  • Find exercise that you ENJOY doing – you are going to feel more motivated if you know you’ll be having fun too. DanceFit is a great addition to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge App, the exercise plans and Tabata are also pretty short and sweet, so are easy to fit into a busy day.
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself – if something doesn’t go to plan, don’t throw the towel in! Evaluate the situation, workout where you went wrong, decide how you will achieve a different outcome next time, pick yourself up and move on! We all have bad days…plan as much as you can for them, so you have something to fall back on and know you’ll be able to get back on track.

8.Julia Meadows

It’s only been a year but Julia is in the best shape of her life! 10+ kilograms lost and this fit mama is feeling super healthy and happy.

Julia weight loss resultsHowever, Julia is still on a mission to tackle the below goals this September:

  • Workout 4 days a week.
  • Lose 3% of body fat and tone up that booty of mine.
  • Drink 3L of water a day.

Her tips to accomplish these goals (and help other mums do the same) are as follows:

  • Take progress photos –I’m glad I took before photos because even if the scales aren’t moving I can still see progress and that I am moving in the right direction. I had to learn that scales don’t always tell the truth and now I’d rather go by my progress pictures to reflect on my achievements. Looking at how far I’ve come gives me the right motivation to stay on track.
  • Join The Healthy Mummy Community –A massive motivation for me are definitely all those amazing mummy’s on The Healthy Mummy Facebook Support Pages. So many mums got fantastic results and it’s very inspiring.
  • Make a Motivation Board –I have made myself a motivation board and it’s hanging up in my kitchen. That way I can see it daily and remember my goal that I want to achieve as well as reflect on how far I’ve already come.
  • Change up workout routine – I find nothing worse then getting bored with my workouts. Its almost certain that I will loose interest and fall of the exercise wagon after a while. It doesn’t always have to be a walk, a run or the gym. Jumping on the trampoline, having a dance off with your kids or running around the playcenter with your kids is still a way of staying active and it’s lots of fun. I find if I shake up my workout routine and try new exercises once in a while it keeps me from getting bored and I am more likely to stay on track.

9.Zoe Weir

Zoe reveals, “In 2015, I lost 22kgs with The Healthy Mummy. I fell in love with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and that’s how I’ve kept up a healthy lifestyle since.”

Earlier this year Zoe welcomed a new little bub and is now back on 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge train – ready to hit her goals once again!


For September, Zoe says, “my main goal is to tone and hopefully lose a couple kilos ready for my brothers wedding that’s in October.”

In regards to staying on track (and helping others do the same) Zoe suggests:

  • Take photos and measurements is my number one top tip. The scales don’t always tell the truth.
  • Drink loads of water.
  • Fit in some incidental exercise wherever you can. Like squats while waiting for the microwave.

Absolutely amazing goals and tips ladies. We have no doubt you will SMASH your September goals (you have certainly inspired us to HIT ours). You can keep up with these ladies, check out more of their tips and journeys on our Facebook Support Groups throughout the month of September.

Learn more about our Facebook communities HERE.

Inspired to HIT your weight loss goals this September? Our Challenge can help

If you are inspired by these mum’s INCREDIBLE before and after pics and want to take charge of your own health and weight – then join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY.

Each month has a NEW Challenge theme and next month’s theme is our Budget Booty Busting Challenge! Think fresh, healthy recipes and booty toning and tightening exercises programs!

With more than 3,500 delicious (and healthy) recipes, 350 exercises & 24/7 support – the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge  is designed (and proven) to help busy mums like you lose weight!

Our program has helped mums lose up to 4 kilograms a MONTH!

butts and thighs

To learn more about our challenge OR to join – click here.

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