After constantly being asked if she was pregnant, this mum lost 22kg in 5 months!

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With a starting weight of 82kg, Elyce was constantly being asked if she was pregnant again.

Having had enough of feeling blah and hating how she was seeing herself both physically and mentally, she joined the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

“I knew it was time to kick my butt and start living for me,” she said.

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Elyce’s weight loss journey

Elyce has hit her goal weight of 60kg and has been maintaining for 15 months now. The first 14 months or so ran very smoothly for Elyce on her weight loss journey.

“I had lost 22kg in the first 5.5 months and maintained with no problems at all. Then my dad fell really ill and I lost all motivation,” she says.

Eating more sometimes food over nutritious foods, Elyce’s exercise also went out the window.

“I’m still fighting my mental battle as my dad is still quite unwell but with all the gorgeous women in The Healthy Mummy Facebook support groups and with Rhian’s generosity I’m slowly getting right back into things,” she said.

The support from the Healthy Mummy Facebook groups is what keeps Elyce going, and she says without these ladies she’d be lost.

Elyce’s greatest achievement since joining The Healthy Mummy is finding herself!!

“I’ve learnt that it’s okay to put myself first because you can’t pour from an empty glass. I’ve gained confidence, self love and respect for myself,” Elyce said.

The food side of things

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Our stovetop lasagne, yum!

Elyce’s shopping bill has decreased slightly as she now shops around for sales and shops from her local fruit and veg shops.

“I’m still shopping for picky eaters and my husband is doing his own meal plans so I’m buying for 3 different meal plans but it’s still very much in budget,” she says.

She also spends a few hours on a Sunday to prepare her lunches and snacks for the week. Choosing 3 snacks for the week and 2 lunches which she alternates throughout the week.

“I find if I have lunch in the freezer I’m less likely to binge on toast and ‘easy’ to grab foods. Making extra serves at dinner time to freeze for lunches also help,” she says.

Elyce loves to make stove top lasagne and her favourite Healthy Mummy smoothie is Cookies and cream.

“All my kids love to get involved with the app exercises,” Elyce says. She also aims to get on her spine bike and cycle for 10km a day.

Elyce stays positive by looking back at where she started and knowing she will never go back there again. She also uses The Healthy Mummy support groups to keep her going and keep her in check.

Join Elyce on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

March Butt Thigh Challenge

With more than 4,500 delicious (and healthy) recipes, 350 exercises & 24/7 support – the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is designed (and proven) to help busy mums like you lose weight!

To learn more and join the Challenge, click here!

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