How to start and lose weight when you are going though menopause

Here's how Manuela was able to shred the kilos through the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge while also going through menopause.
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Manuela Bu is a 56-year-old single Mum to four kids who are aged between 35,29 26, and a 16. 

“I’ve been following The Healthy Mummy for about six months before I finally got up the courage to join on the 10 January 2020,” she says.

“I started January 2020 at 114.7 kg today I am  73.9 kg. That’s a LOSS of  40.8kg  in 23 months and I’m not finished yet!”

Here’s how Manuela was able to shred the kilos through the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge while also going through menopause.

Before joining The Healthy Mummy, Manuela reveals she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism, suffering from a few compress discs in her back and dealing with the horrors of menopause as well, which made losing weight extremely difficult.

“I began to lose my way and slowly all the struggles began to choke the life out of me. Dealing with the constant onslaught of pain day in and day out which is hard work in itself,” she says.

“But I still had to find a way to get through the act of living, being mum and a carer to my youngest child, who is chronically ill.

“I broke! I had nothing left in me and I felt time was running out fast.   I even ended up in the emergency room with heart issues.”

This was the moment Manuela said knew I wouldn’t be around for my children if I didn’t do something about her weight.  

“I was having trouble walking short distances.  I couldn’t stand for long without being in tears.  I had some good days too, but most days were hard,” she says.

“I also had my period cycle go into over drive. I  slowly started my Healthy Mummy journey by increasing my movement at home. During my menopause flare ups I rested mostly,  but I still pushed through where I could.”

Finding confidence

Eventually Manuela was able to go for short walks and over time she stretched it a bit further.

“Eating for health  was another part of my focus To eat in moderation.   Have what you want….. BUT do NOT go over your allocated calorie limit,” she says.

“I found Control X very useful in controlling my hunger so that I didn’t over eat.”  

Manuela’s health benefits

  • My health has improved dramatically.
  • My fibromyalgia is better managed with less flare ups.
  • My thyroid is under control with my medication
  • My menopause is definitely not as dramatic as it was

“All I can say is that I am healthier, managing life so much better and having less and less crippling episodes.”

My favourite Healthy Mummy products that I use are : 

  • Collagen powder
  • Peanut powder
  • Choc mint  smoothie
  • Caramel smoothie
  • Skin range too

Manuela’s tips on getting started

1.  Buy yourself a set of Kitchen scales

Weigh your ingredients/servings!

2.  Don’t look at the big picture

Set a small goal that is achievable and reach for it. That will lead you onto your next… then the next. Lots of small goals added up together will lead you to success. 

3.  Keep it simple

Especially at the start when you are doing it for the first time. You’re less likely to give up.

4. Don’t compete against anyone else’s journey

Your journey is unique to you!

5.  Find your support system

Thankfully mine is  the welcoming support from this Healthy Mummy Private Support Group on Facebook.  So blessed!

6.  Be kind to yourself

Don’t beat yourself up but also challenge yourself.  If you slip up… STOP.  Re-evaluate and restart.   

Manuela’s day now consists of

  • 10,000 steps a day
  • 2 litres of water a day
  • 3 x 10 minutes workouts Mostly from the Healthy Mummy app but I’m also now doing things from memory too. 
  • Occasionally, I will add extra exercise when I’m not restricted.
  • I’m allocated 1,200 calories but I stay around the 1,000 limit.

How the Hormone Balancing Meal Plan will help you lose weight if you’re 45+

Along with a range of targeted meal plans for pregnancy, vegan/vegetarian, Keto and for those with PCOS, The Healthy Mummy has a specific Hormone Balancing Meal Plan to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.Designed by a team of Healthy Mummy nutritionists, the Hormone Balancing Meal Plan is aimed to help those 45 and over with weight loss as their bodies go through hormonal changes.

Find out what hormonal changes occur for 45+ and how this specifically selected meal plan can best provide nutritional support to maximise your health and weight loss goals.

Find out more here.

Get your hands on our Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ today!


Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ contains a unique combination of ingredients designed specifically to support the needs of women over 45 years old’

  • Vitamin D with Calcium to enhance bone mineral density
  • 50% of your Vit D RDI which is critical for bone health
  • Good source of Protein for muscle mass maintenance
  • Vitamin B6 for balanced hormonal activity support
  • Zinc, Vitamin C + E to protect cells from free radical damage

Find out more and buy our Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ today!

Join our Healthy Mummy Over 45 Facebook support group to get advice and support from other mums who are over 45.

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