Mum makes a Healthy and HUGE Easter family feast for 10 people for under $150!

For just $147, Rhian Allen prepared an incredible Easter feast for ten including all your Easter favour like Hot Cross Buns and Slow Cooked Lamb!
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Admittedly Easter can be a difficult time to navigate if you’re on a weight loss journey.

But it’s possible to whip up a super Healthy Easter Feast that won’t ruin your weight loss plans and what’s more, it doesn’t need to cost the earth!

For just $147, Rhian prepared this incredible Easter Feast for ten people including all the Easter favourites, like Hot Cross Buns, Chocolate Easter Bunnies and delicious Slow Cooked Lamb!

(Please note these grocery prices may vary, as these prices were from 2021).

Scroll down to see what was made PLUS Top Tips for a Healthy Easter!

These amazing recipes come straight from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and show how you can still enjoy holiday celebrations with family and friends with delicious and healthy food, that is also BUDGET friendly!

This Easter Feast includes a great mix of sweet and savory dishes including 10 main meals, 29 serves of side dishes, 24 chocolate treats, 32 desserts and 20 Easter snacks!

You don’t have to spend a fortune for a spread like this using these budget-friendly recipes.

Half of the 12 dishes were UNDER $1 per serve and all recipes are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges

Here’s What Rhian made!

12 x Gluten Free Hot Cross Buns  – $1.06 per serve (recipe are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges)20 x No Bake Raspberry Chocolate Cheesecake – 95c per serve (recipe are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges)


12 x Coconut & Peanut Butter Chocolate Eggs  $4 per serve

12 x Homemade Chocolate Easter Bunnies – 25c per serve (recipe are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges)


6 x Chocolate Nutty Strawberries – 99c per serve (recipe are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges)


6 x Slow Cooked Roast Lamb with Potato – $3.06 per serve. Get the recipe below!


  • 1 kilo lamb shoulder trimmed
  • 1 & 1/2 tbsp dried Italian Herbs
  • salt
  • 6 medium potato, chopped
  • 3 brown onions, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 cup liquid vegetable stock, salt reduced
  • 2 cups frozen peas
  • 1 tbsp mint leaves


If preparing in the oven

  1. Preheat the oven to 200c
  2. Rub the lamb with the dried herbs and a teaspoon of salt and place in a baking dish surrounded by potatoes and onions. Reduce the oven temperature to 160 c
  3. Cover the dish with the foil and return to the oven for 2 hours or until meat is very tender and vegetables are cooked through.

If preparing in the slow cooker

  1. Rub the lamb with the dried herbs and a teaspoon of salt and place in a baking dish surrounded by the potatoes and onions.
  2. Pour the stock into the dish and cook on low for 6 – 8 hours.

To Serve:

  1. When ready to serve, boil the teas until tender.
  2. Combine the eas with mint while still hot.
  3. Divide the lamb, potatoes, onions and mint peas evenly between 6 plates to serve.

7 x Roast Veggie Couscous $3.40 per serve (recipe are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges)


12 x Fruit and Chocolate Kebabs – 23c per serve

10 x Asparagus and Cheese Pastries – $1.90 per serve (recipe are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges)


12 x Ham and Brie Pithivier – 90c per serve (recipe are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges)


8 x Hot Cross Bliss Balls –  51c per serve

4 x Honey Mustard Roasted Pork with Rocket and Broccoli Salad – $3.70 per serve (recipe are from The Healthy Mummy app and 28 Day Challenges)


10 top tips to stay on track this Easter

Easter can be one of those times during the year we can fall ‘off track’ a little. The most important thing to remember is, if you are celebrating Easter, that it is just one day out of the whole entire year and if you are wanting to eat chocolate, enjoy it!

1. Buy non-chocolate gifts

5 Easter Gifts Kids Will Love That Aren’t ChocolateAvoid temptation! If you have friends and family asking to buy gifts for your children, offer some non-chocolate ideas: Arts and craft, pyjamas, bath bombs/bubble bath, books, vouchers, puzzles or games.

2. Make healthier alternatives

If you are entertaining see our Healthy Mummy Easter Ebook filled with healthier recipe ideas.

3. Use plastic eggs instead of chocolate

Try choosing smaller chocolates or hollow eggs for easter hunts. The kids (and adults) will still see and collect lots of colourful eggs without having excess left over after Easter.  We love reusable plastic egg shaped containers that you can fill. You can find these in most supermarkets and these are great for egg hunts and gifts. You can fill them with anything you like, small toys, lollies/chocolate or treats of your choosing or even clues for an egg hunt. 

4. Melt down leftover chocolate instead of eating it

10 ways to stick to your healthy eating plan this EASTERIf you find you have excess chocolates left over at the end of Easter and wish to avoid temptation, try chopping, melting or crushing your chocolates into one of our recipes, such as the Wholemeal Choc Chip Muffins and Peanut Bubble Crunch. You can also freeze leftover chocolates so they are ‘out of sight’ but still available for a sweet treat when you choose. 

5. Choose dark chocolate over light chocolate

A-close-up-of-a-stack-of-dark-chocolateChoose dark chocolate where you can. Dark chocolate can offer a lower calorie, lower sugar option whilst still enjoying the chocolate flavour.

6. Avoid filled and flavoured chocolate eggs

10 ways to stick to your healthy eating plan this EASTERInstead, utilise plain chocolate varieties if you are being cautious of your chocolate and calorie intake over Easter. 

7. Eat before heading to your family gatherings

Creamy Peas with Poached Eggs on ToastEating breakfast or a snack with a source of protein before you head to your Easter get togethers can help you make more mindful choices rather than arriving hungry. 

8. Be mindful of your serving sizes

If you are watching your calorie intake over Easter, think about how much you’re putting on your plate. Often Big chocolate bunnies and eggs can be a family serving. Look at the labels and make an informed decision.

9. Get moving

Keep active with the family and make it fun. Often Easter means some businesses are closed so your whole family might get the chance to spend some extra time together so make the most of it! A family walk, a game of sport in the backyard, a trip to the beach, a play at the park can be great ways to move your body without it seeming like a chore. 

10. Drink lots of water

Focus on your water intake. Try to keep a water bottle nearby. Sipping on water can help with hunger and over indulging. 

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