Sammy has lost over 17kg and is closer to her dream of becoming a mother
After a suggestion from a friend to add The Healthy Mummy on Facebook, Sammy has achieved so much since! Not only has she overcome a fear of meeting new people but has just completed a photoshoot with other local healthy mummies at a public beach in only her underwear!
When looking at photos of her wedding day in 2013, Sammy says she realised ‘how much she had let herself go’ and knew she had to bite the bullet.
She was more determined than ever to get her body in order because she wanted to become a mum. After trying for a few years to conceive and being told by her doctor that because of her weight she’d have difficulties conceiving.
Dreams realised
“What empowers me to keep going is my ‘why’, the reason I want to become fit and healthy and that’s my dream of becoming a mother.”
Starting at 96.4kg, Sammy has dropped over 17kg and is now 79.1kg which is only 14kg off her goal!
Losing 92.5cm altogether, Sammy hopes to achieve this goal by the end of next year. Her husband has also lost around 30kg as well!
“I have learnt to love my body curves and all,” says Sammy.
“I now feel confident enough to wear a crop exercising and wear just my bikini to the beach. And have the confidence to now be the local Healthy Mummy consultant in my area,” Sammy said.
A new woman
Sammy now enjoys going for a parkrun, walking and having catch ups with other local healthy mummies and lots of squats!
“I’m now hoping to tone up more by using weights and I would love to become a runner. I want to be able to run 5km without stopping to walk,” she says.
Sammy likes to remember to not compare your journey to someone else’s, as we all lose weight differently and your journey is not the same as someone else’s.
“A lot of people ask me how I am so positive even with all the blows I’ve been dealt with my journey to conceive and I just say I have to be, there is no point me being upset and miserable all the time,” she says.
Saving money
Since joining The Healthy Mummy Sammy is no longer buying as much junk food and her grocery bill has started coming down as she tries to go to the local fruit and veg shop and buys what’s in season.
A fan of the peanut butter chocolate slice, Sammy and her husband also like to have the Mexican Lasagne as its so easy to make!
Try it for yourself here.
“I’ve gone from being really self conscious and hating my body and hating exercise to loving my body and having the confidence to doing things I never would have!” Sammy adds.
Try your own 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and get the benefits and support you need.