Couple lose 46 kilos together by keeping each other on track!

Lisa and Daniel have lost a whopping 43 kilos together by using the Healthy Mummy App and Healthy Mummy products and have helped keep each other on track.
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Talk about Couple Goals! Daniel and Lisa Rylance together have lost a whopping 43 kilos by eating recipes from the Healthy Mummy App and using the Healthy Mummy Smoothies and Healthy Man Meal Replacements! Both of them admit that working together as a team to reach their goals has made all the difference to their weight loss success!“I really don’t think we could have gotten as far as we have if we were not doing it together!”See how they helped each other stay on track below!

Lisa and Daniels Weight Loss Journey

Lisa rejoined the Healthy Mummy 5 months ago, with a goal to lose 20 kilos. Although she’s not quite at her goal weight yet, she says that the support of her husband Daniel has been a big part of how she’s been able to lose 17 kilos.

Lisa says, “Dan is so supportive! Every win on the scales he’s cheering me on and if the scales didn’t go in my favour that week he always has something positive to say so I never feel like I’m failing.

“I’m really grateful he is doing it with me this time around, it keeps me focused on my end goal and I know it’s achievable because I have his support.”

By supporting Lisa, Daniel started his own journey to better health and has lost an amazing 26 kilos.

He says “I don’t think I’d be on this journey if it wasn’t for Lisa. I started just to support her as she was starting back with the Healthy Mummy but as I started to see the weight drop off I kept going! We keep each other accountable and reinforce with each other that this isn’t a quick fix, it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change and one that is manageable.

How they keep each other on track

Lisa and Daniel say that constantly talking together about their goals helps to keep them focussed about how they want to achieve them.

Lisa says,  “We encourage each other to keep going when the other person is having a down day, we give each other support in the form of words, a hug or even a high five when one of us has hit a milestone.

We still have a fair way each to go and some days are harder than others when we have daily life challenges, as parents of 9 children there can be a few curve balls thrown at us but it’s not a race, we take each day slowly.

Our motto currently is “No Excuses”! We were big on making excuses, we didn’t have time, we were tired etc. Now we make time, we plan our meals with the help of the Healthy Mummy app and push ourselves to get out the door and get active!”

Starting the Day the Right Way

Every morning, Lisa and Daniel start their day with a His n Hers breakfast! Lisa has a Healthy Mummy Premium Smoothie, and Daniel uses the Healthy Man as a shake every morning. He sometimes has The Healthy Man Meal Replacement for lunch too but admits that depends on Lisa!

“It depends on if my wife has made me a lunch from her Healthy Mummy app lol!”

Daniel says “I use water (instead of milk) to keep the calories down. The chocolate Healthy Man keeps my chocolate cravings at bay and I use the vanilla with fruit on weekends when I have more time.”

Finding time to Exercise

It’s not just what Lisa and Daniel are eating that is helping them get to their goals together. By finding time to commit to exercise, whether walking or utilising the exercises in the Healthy Mummy App, they are both loving their newfound energy.

Lisa says, “We always exercise together, we dedicated ourselves to parkrun and do weekly parkrun practices on the track in the afternoons. 

Doing it together encourages us to stay motivated, we support each other and have a little friendly competition going by trying to beat each other to the finish line!” 

Congratulations to both of you on your amazing results!

Find out what other blokes are saying about the Healthy Man Meal Replacement

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