‘Having a friend on the journey is amazing!’ Mums and best friends lose 30kg together
Emma joined the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges in late January 2017 and after fully committing, she convinced her best friend Amanda to join with her!
The girls have embarked on a lifelong journey and their amazing transformation can be seen in their pics together.
“Having a friend on the same journey as you is priceless… they are there to pick you up when you fall, push you when you need it and most of all laugh along the way with you,” says Emma.
BFFs losing 30kg together
Emma has lost 12kg and over 34cm and Amanda 18kg and over 50cm.
The besties are working on improving their overall health and fitness with weight loss as a bonus. What a great way of thinking!
Emma says, “You’re beating everyone who is still sitting on the couch wishing they could be healthier.”
Not having a definite goal weight in mind, the mums would ideally like to lose another 10 to 15kgs.
“We’ll know when it happens… we just want to feel fitter and stronger and be able to keep up with our kids!” they say.
Meal planning x 2
The mums meal plan together and this makes it easier for them to share their favourite recipes and snacks with each other if the other one doesn’t have time to make any!
No longer looking for the quick fixes, Emma and Amanda are making better food choices for themselves and their families.
“Where we can we try to shop together to buy in bulk and buy a variety to make us feel like we’re not missing out,” Emma says.
Costco is a go-to for the mums to stock up on bulk baking items and nuts!
Amanda is the queen of the Apple and Zucchini muffins and Peanut Bubble crunch.
Emma loves making the choc chip banana bread, peanut butter rice cups and raw carrot cake balls.
Emma recently injured her knee at the gym, fracturing her tibia and bruising her femur and badly spraining her MCL in her left knee, so she has resorted to shopping online.
She says, “I do my meal plan for the week with a cuppa in one hand, open another tab and literally type what is listed on my shopping list from the challenge directly into the search bar, no sneaky chocolates to tempt me at the checkouts.”
Snack Prep Sunday is a thing in Amanda and Emma’s households, as they say, “we usually each pick 2 recipes and make double batches and then swap! Making prep more efficient and cost effective as you’re not buying multiple items.”
Dancing the kilos away
The mums use DanceFit as a way to stay active. It takes as little as 10 minutes from their day to do and they say they have fun together.
Emma says her recent knee energy would have normally caused her to give up, binge/comfort eat and call it a day but with Amanda behind her, she’s not done that.
“Instead I modified my training, have still managed to attend 2 to 3 gym sessions a week focusing on upper body strength training instead,” she says.
By taking it one day at a time, these best friends have created a new lifestyle.
“This is our lives now. Each day we are getting healthier, fitter, stronger than yesterday. Some days are tougher than others, but you just gotta keep going,” adds Emma.
Take charge of your own health and weight and join our mums only 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY.
With more than 4,000 delicious (and healthy) recipes, 350 exercises & 24/7 support – the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is designed (and proven) to help busy mums like you lose weight!
To learn more about our challenge OR to join – click here.
To help you support your weight loss, The Healthy Mummy has a range of breastfeeding friendly Smoothies that have been formulated by leading nutritionists to be the perfect companion to a busy mum’s life when trying to lose weight.