Taking this supplement when 24 weeks pregnant can boost your child’s growth!

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Are you pregnant? You may want to start implementing fish oil into your supplements!

A new study from Denmark’s University of Copenhagen, published in the BMJ today, shows that taking a fish oil supplement during pregnancy is linked to an increase in lean mass, bone mass and fat mass by the time a child is aged six!

That’s some growth for 6 year old!

fish oil

Fish oil taken when pregnant assists growth in children

Fish oil capsules are a SAFE and efficient way to obtain the right amounts of omega 3 fatty acids in your diet, especially when pregnant.

SBS news reported on the study and said, taking fish oil supplements from the 24th week of pregnancy right up until a week after birth may be beneficial for a child’s healthy growth in early life.

“Fish oil supplementation from the 24th week of pregnancy led to a higher BMI in the offspring from zero to six years of age but not an increased risk of obesity at age six,” the study paper reads.

The Healthy Mummy pregnancy smoothie also gives expecting mums additional nutrients.

The study

The research involved 736 pregnant women who received n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) (fish oil) or olive oil (control) daily from week 24 of pregnancy until one week after birth.

Once the baby was born, height, weight, head, waist measurements, and body composition were assessed 11 times from birth to age six.

At age six, scans showed children whose mothers had taken fish oil supplements while pregnant had a 395g HIGHER total mass, 280.7g HIGHER lean mass, 10.3g HIGHER bone mineral content and 116.3g HIGHER fat mass compared with children of mothers who took the control oil.


Omega 3 in pregnancy

Fish oil is a great way to get the critical omega 3 nutrients pregnant women lack due to seafood being restricted.

“For pregnant women to obtain adequate omega 3 fatty acids, a variety of sources should be consumed: vegetable oils, two low-mercury fish servings a week, and supplements (fish oil or algae-based docosahexaenoic acid),” the study reads.

Don’t like the taste, smell or look of fish? You can still get your omega 3s in other foods! 

A healthy pregnancy with The Healthy Mummy

If you’re looking to pack as many safe nutrients and calories into your pregnancy diet, try thet The Healthy Mummy Pregnancy Smoothies and The Healthy Pregnancy Exercise and Eating Plan.

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