Just over half way through the 12 Week Challenge this mum of three is already 6 kilos down!

After signing up for the Healthy Mummy’s 12 week Challenge Lyndel Kayhler pledged to stop making excuses and has lost 6 kilos in 7 weeks.
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Lyndel Kahler is living proof of what can be achieved when you have all the tools and the right mindset and focus.

After signing up for the Healthy Mummy’s 12 week Challenge Lyndel pledged to stop making excuses, and just over half way through she’s already dropped 6 kilos, has way more energy and is well on her way to achieving her health and weight loss goals!

See more about her journey below!

Lyndel Kahler is 39 from Goulburn NSW and has three teenagers, aged 13, 15 and 16.

The defining moment for Lyndel when she knew she needed to do something about her weight was after she saw a photo of herself.

She shares, “What I saw in the picture was an overweight, unhappy woman who was spiralling out of control both mentally and physically. I have been lying to myself and sticking my head in the sand for so many years and I just knew that if I could find a weight loss program that worked for me, I could successfully start my journey to health and happiness for good.”

Luckily for Lyndel, she found the Healthy Mummy and saw they were doing another 12 Week Challenge which is  aimed at giving mums a little more support and accountability. Lyndel signed up and pledged to stop making excuses.

She also pledged to:  “Drink more water, exercise more and start losing weight for myself and to be around for my boys in the future. I will fit into my summer clothes, this is for me!”

Weight Loss: 6 kilos in 7 weeks

While Lyndel still has more weight to lose she’s already reaping the health benefits of her 6 kilos weight loss.

“I have way more energy, less aches and pains and more positive in general.”

“Physically, I can see my clothes starting to fit better, I am sleeping better and my skin feels clearer and mentally, I am just more positive generally with myself and my kids and hubby.”

Lyndel also enjoys the Espresso and Vanilla Premium Smoothies and is looking forward to trying the Healthy Mummy SKIN range.

Lyndel’s Typical Day on a Plate

Breakfast – oats with banana (sometimes biscoff); baked beans with spinach on wholemeal whole grain toast or a smoothie with strawberries, spinach, almond milk and Healthy Mummy vanilla smoothie mix.

Lunch – healthy salad, soup or a smoothies like above.

Dinner– Healthy Mummy meal that suits the family like; one pot Spaghetti Bolognese loaded with veg, fish tacos, San choy bow, healthy pita pizzas  etc… Sometimes it is what I planned, sometimes it isn’t..  I just roll with the punches on the day.

Snacks – fruit, wholegrain crackers with cheese and tomato, hummus and brown rice crackers, pretzels etc..

Desert – a few pieces of dark chocolate, yoghurt or sometimes a skinny cow ice cream sandwich.

Favourite Healthy Mummy meals/snacks:

Favourite app workouts:

  • Power yoga and Dance strong

Lyndel’s Three tips for success:

  1. Treat everyday as a new day. If you fall off the wagon one day, don’t lose hope and give up, tomorrow is a new day.
  2. Keep consistent. Even if it means just one 10 minute workout, try to keep moving in some form every day.
  3. Remember it is a marathon and not a sprint! There won’t be a loss every week, it is a long journey.  I always try to look at the long term weight loss goal and it helps me to stay accountable.

“Never lose sight of the bigger picture, stay accountable and always remember that you are doing this for you 😊 Weight loss is a lifestyle change not a quick fix.”

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