Mum is feeling more energetic after joining the 12 Week Challenge!

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Kelly Joyce has been following The Healthy Mummy’s 12 Week Challenge and she’s noticed a huge difference already!

The mum-of-two says she’s now got heaps more energy and she’s feeling better than she has in years!

“My main motivation is that I wanted to be able to go down a slide with my kids and sit in a swing comfortably without the embarrassment,” she says. “I also want to fit back into my pre baby work uniform.”

Mum is feeling more energetic after joining the 12 Week Challenge!

This mum has seen huge differences in her physical and mental health on the 12 Week Challenge

Kelly admits she’s always had issues with my weight since she was young. She even went on a weight loss program at just 15!

“I put on a heap of weight when I was in a negative relationship and got to 97kgs,” she says. “I over exercised, but ate what I wanted, dropped to 72kgs and a size 10 but it wasn’t maintainable and I started to regain the weight.”

Mum is feeling more energetic after joining the 12 Week Challenge!

When Kelly was pregnant with her first child, she says she ‘ate for two’ and gained over 30kg and hated herself for it.

Then she signed up to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and got to 89k before she fell pregnant again.

“I followed The Healthy Mummy throughout my pregnancy determined not to repeat history,” says Kelly. “I gained only 10kgs and it was deemed as baby weight. I had issues with hormonal imbalances and low iron post birth and put 5kgs back on. But was determined to be healthy again.”

Now she has a goal time frame to get in shape and that’s why she signed up to the 12 Week Challenge .When it comes to the scales, Kelly doesn’t weigh herself but she thinks she’s lost between five and six kilos.

Mum is feeling more energetic after joining the 12 Week Challenge!

“I had started wearing size 18, I’m now comfortably in my size 16,” she says. “I have more energy, my iron levels have improved without the need of supplements and I’m able to work harder at my exercises without tiring instantly. I tend to only use natural sweeteners now and no longer addicted to soft drink and sugar to get me through the day.

“My body can move more freely, I have less aches and pains. Mentally I’m more focused, and organised.”

What Kelly eats in a typical day

Breakfast: A Healthy Mummy Smoothie every day during the week. Weekends is bacon and eggs.

Lunch: I tend to meal prep and either use left overs from the night before or have a freezer stash. Find it easier with two young kids. If I’m making something I’ll generally go pita pizzas or sushi.

Dinner: Any Healthy Mummy meal that takes least than 15 mins. Tonight we had the balsamic onion and feta loaded potatoes. We do use a lot of the easy mince recipes as well.

Snacks: Fruit and nuts for a simple snack, or a meal prepped Healthy Mummy muffins or bars.

Some of my favourite meals and snacks are: raw peanut butter bar, baked pork toast, Beef San Choy Bow (pictured), French Onion Savoury Mince, Nutty Carrot Muffins, Peanut Pork Curry, Simple Chicken Curry, Snickers slice.

Mum is feeling more energetic after joining the 12 Week Challenge!

“Most of my exercise for the challenge has been walking with the pram. I do fit in the occasional app workout while the kids sleep. I also have one weights session a week with a friend.”

Kelly’s 3 tips for success

  1. Don’t rely on the scales! Pick a goal outfit, take measurements and photos.
  2. Accept that you are going to have ‘bad’ days but don’t make them the end of the world.
  3. it’s about creating a lifestyle, make sure it’s maintainable.

“Surround yourself with positive people and those with similar goals. It is easier to stay motivated when you’re all trying to move forward.

“The 12 week challenge has definitely made it easier to stay on track. I have a group of friends who are also following the challenge so we get together for exercise, swap recipes and get together for cook ups.”

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