These 5 mums reclaimed their confidence and now love their body

These five mums are loving their body and have rediscovered their confidence after joining The Healthy Mummy. Read their stories to be inspired.
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We love supporting mums from our community through their weight loss journey to reclaim their confidence and love their body.

When these mums shared how The Healthy Mummy has helped them get their confidence back and discover a new amount of body love we had to share their stories to help inspire other mums like you!

5 mums find body love and a boost of confidence

Zena Mason
Zena body love transform

“Look at that smile ladies, I lost 20kg with The Healthy Mummy and gained a bucket load of body confidence. I still shock myself that I have managed to do this all while working, running a business and managing a 21-month-old breastfed monkey…

Previously I struggled with time management, prepping, healthy recipes without babies. I made lots of excuses. I drunk lots of energy drinks and I got up just before the alarm for work.. not anymore x

With The Healthy Mummy they have really simplified it for me, made it easy for busy people like me.

I’m forever in awe of the APP on my device that literally changed my mind and thinking. I know now that I’m capable of teaching my little boy good valuable food and activity lessons for his future x”

Read more of Zena’s journey here.

Sammy Wolf
Sammy Wolff body love transform

“Gym selfie 2014 and gym selfie 2018!!!

Back when I was ‘going’ to the gym in 2014 I was never committed, I’d go once in a blue moon and thought that’s all I need. I was self-conscious and always thought everyone was watching me or looking at me when in reality they were there just doing their own thing and didn’t really care what I was doing.

Since I’ve joined back up this year I go at least three times a week and am no longer self-conscious and I don’t care what anyone else there thinks of me I’m there to get my workout done not to please them.

Since losing weight living The Healthy Mummy lifestyle and using the products I’ve lost around 17kgs and I’m finding me, the me that I want to be. I’m not as self-conscious. I’ve learnt to love my body. Yes I have bad days, I’m only human but if I fall down I get back up and dust myself off and keep going. No matter how slow my journey is I will keep going until I reach my goals!!!”

Read more of Sammy’s story here.

Stacey Webb
Stacey Webb body love transform

“The picture on the left is me at 39 weeks pregnant with twins. I had my twins the next day (babies #3 and #4)

The pic on the right is me today holding my eight-week-old twins.

In both of these pictures, I love my body and what it has achieved. I am a challenge member where I do the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges along with other exercise workouts in the exercise hub

Being 39 weeks pregnant with twins my doctors were so happy and I was still having an active and healthy pregnancy. Now being eight weeks pp after a Caesarian I still need to ensure I take things easy (I do have the clearance to exercise).

As such me in both of these pictures did some exercises from the challenge hub as well as PT that were modified. And that’s completely ok. I’m moving and that’s all that matters to me. 

The great thing about The Healthy Mummy exercises is that it can cater to all levels and the fact I am able to move around at the stages I am in both of these pictures is great to me both physically and mentally. 

I didn’t bounce back to my pre-pregnancy body after the twins. My stomach was stretched to the max, I have a stomach overhang (second c section), got even more stretch marks this pregnancy in addition to the stretch marks I got in my previous two pregnancies and I am still 8 kilos over my pre-twin pregnancy weight. 

So am I where I want to be yet? No. But that’s ok and there is no rush. I know my body needs to recover after giving birth. It took nine months to create, grow and birth these two beautiful babies and so changes won’t happen overnight but they will in time.

I’m loving my body on my postpartum journey.”

Cheryl Boughton

Cheryl Boughton body love transform
“Before my boys, I loved buying myself sets of lingerie this is my first set in about 20 years.

I didn’t think I’d feel confident and happy again after four kids but having my fifth changed that. I discovered The Healthy Mummy.

I may be over 45 I may have hypothyroidism but one thing is for sure I am going to do everything I can to not suffer type 2 like my dad’s side of the family. Having gestational diabetes with my fifth was bad enough.”

Read more of Cheryl’s story here.

Stephanie Marriott

Steph M transform body love
“I remember feeling desperate.

I remember trying to cut out ‘BAD’ foods and only eat small portions and basic salads.

I remember trying to exercise.

I remember feeling like a failure.

I remember being deeply, internally sad.

Then I took the leap and joined The Healthy Mummy.

There is nothing about me then, that is the same now.



Read how Steph maintains her weight loss here.

Woohoo ladies we love that you have found your confidence again and you all look amazing! Keep on going!

Are you ready to become a Healthy Mummy?

28 Day Weight Loss Challenge advert showing recipes and weight loss results

If you are wanting to lose weight and improve your energy – not to mention – help improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out.

Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge includes:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans (including 7 Day Cleanse)
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!

To learn more about our 28 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE CLICK HERE or purchase our Smoothies.

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