Register for the BUDGET 28 Day Challenge

We are excited!

Based on your voting – we are running a BUDGET 28 Day Challenge to help you get healthy, fit and strong – all on a super tight budget

And you can register NOW to hear first!

Kaitie budget shop

If you are NOT a Healthy Mummy member you will be given a SUPER budget rate PLUS budget payment plans so you can take part

If you are a Healthy Mummy member you will get a super budget offer on products to use on the budget challenge

As part of the BUDGET round – we are doing the following

  • All menus and meals will be at an INSANE budget price
  • We will show you how you can make budget and healthy food that the whole family will love
  • We will give you budget planners
  • Additional Diamond Rewards so you can use on products
  • Meal prepping how to guide
  • Free Budget recipe ebook
  • New at home workouts
  • New budget support squad to give you constant tips and support

Register here to HEAR first when the NEW Budget Round is available


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