‘I took small steps and gained more confidence’, says mum who dropped 10 kilos on the 12 week Challenge
Vanessa has found a new love for exercising and has started cooking again thanks to taking part in a recent 12 Week Challenge.
Not only that, Vanessa has dropped 10 kilos and a total of 38.5 cm from her entire body!
The soon to be ‘Nana’ is so happy with the changes she’s seen and felt over the past 12 weeks, she jumped at the opportunity to take part in the next 12 week Challenge that starts SOON – find our special offer to join here!
Vanessa Allen is 54 and lives in Birrong in NSW. She has two grown-up children and is looking forward to welcoming her first grandchild later in the year.
Vanessa joined the Healthy Mummy at the end of last year after seeing an advertisement for the 12 Week Challenge on Facebook. The 12 Week Challenge involves following 3 consecutive 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges , pledging a goal and receiving extra accountability and support.
She shares ‘My pledge was to take one step at a time to make sustainable changes that would result in a happier healthier me.’
- Drink more water
- Exercise daily
- Follow the meal plan.
Vanessa more than achieved her pledge, losing 10 kilos and over 38 cms.
‘I weighed 112.2 kgs at the commencement of the challenge at the end I weighed 102.2kg total 10 kgs gone forever!’
Besides the scales and measurements, Vanessa reveals that she gained so much more during the 12 weeks.
‘I took small steps and gained more confidence. I found a love for moving and exercising. I started cooking again.
The recipes are easy, nutritious and loved by the family, no separate meals we all ate the same. The family has been supportive throughout the process and all the changes.’
Vanessa also found a great way of exercising that she enjoyed. ‘I have found a love for the pool. I am able to walk 2kms in the pool within an hour. I can now swim 25 meters without stopping.’
The Healthy Mummy has a very active Facebook community with a number of different groups including a support group dedicated to those following the 12 Week Challenge. Here Vanessa found extra support and motivation.
‘I also found the Healthy Mummy Facebook support groups and lots of like minded mothers just like me. The groups are truly inspirational and supportive. I love posting but most of all I love reading about others’ journeys. It’s so real.
It’s not a diet, it truly is a lifestyle.’
‘Feeling less stressed’
‘I am less stressed since commencing the challenge and feel myself growing and becoming stronger every day.’
Vanessa reveals that she thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the 12 Week Challenge and has already joined the next 12 Week Challenge.
‘I am looking forward to seeing further changes that I can make to this lifestyle of mine and being the awesome role model for my family and welcoming my first Grand child July/August this year. I will be an active Nana.’
‘I use Healthy Mummy Smoothies about twice a week. I love Vanilla the best.’
‘I use Apple cider vinegar tablets daily and have recently commenced Super Greens. I love them all.’
‘I have done several workouts from the app and have enjoyed them but feel so uncoordinated at the moment but no one sees so I just do my best. Walking was my main activity until I found the pool. I go for an hour every day.’
Vanessa’s Tips for Success
- plan
- pick one thing to add every day
- be kind to yourself
- be realistic
- make it fit for you
- get the family involved
- reward yourself and celebrate the successes
‘One last tip, do it for yourself and do it because you want to make a difference to YOU.’