This mum lost 29kg and vows to “never go back”
After seeing a post on Facebook over 3 years ago while pregnant with her daughter this mum weighed 92kg.
She then lost 23kg in 3 months after her daughter was born and then fell pregnant with her son. With her son she used the Pregnancy Smoothies and followed The Healthy Mummy throughout.
She then fell off the bandwagon for a little bit, until nearly 8 months ago when she dove head first back into following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and the lifestyle that goes with it. Alicia is now down 29kg.
Motivating herself to healthy
When Alicia became a Motivating Mum, it gave her the push she needed and she now realises what she was missing out on, saying she’ll never go back.
“I’ve overcome many obstacles including bipolar, a punctured spinal cord for my epidural with my daughter, a c-section and more recently an iron issue which requires regular hospital visits and infusion,” she says.
What kept Alicia going was the good feeling she gets from being happy and healthy and a good role model for her children.
“My goal was 68kg and I have surpassed that, and am now sitting at 63kg,” says Alicia. She has lost 29kg so far with The Healthy Mummy but her greatest achievement is finding her sense of self again and gaining confidence.
Her goal for 2018? Toning and building muscle. See Alicia top tips for getting toned arms.
Alicia’s shopping has changed as she buys in bulk and now grow her own herbs, fruit AND vegetables.
Smoothie, snack prep and minor meal prep is done on most Sundays. “I opt to have smoothies for breakfast and lunch most days so don’t often prep a lot of other foods,” says Alicia. See Alicia’s favourite smoothie flavour here.
Tips for meal prep from Alicia are to have a plan and stick to it, have containers and zip lock bags ready, make recipes that use similar ingredients, make things in double batches, and prepare smoothie ingredients also. Alicia says “I find just typing in an ingredient I want to use on the recipe hub, gives a great array of recipes to choose from.”
She frequently favours the Choc Peanut Butter Crumble Balls (pictured below), as they’re quick to make, cheap and really tasty. She also loves the Roasted Sweet Potato with Guacamole- you can find both of these recipes in the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge recipe hub.
Impacting her family
Alicia’s newfound healthy life has an amazing impact on her family, her husband has joined the gym, her two toddlers love to exercise and they all make smoothies together. Alicia’s aim is to exercise for 45 minutes every day, switching up different parts of her body.
“My one tip would be to make small achievable goals, whether that’s drink more water or up exercise by 5 minutes, then using the fact that you’ve achieved them as your motivation to keep going,” Alicia adds.
Alicia has stayed positive in her journey by remembering WHY she started and using that as motivation to keep going. She also used the support page every day!
Join Alicia on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and lose up to 4-6kg using the healthy meal plans and exercise videos on the Challenge app.