10 facts about PROTEIN to help you get into the best physical shape
Most of us are aware that protein is essential for health and weight loss and is critical for every cell in our body. It helps to build lean muscle, helps to increase the metabolism and helps you stay fuller for longer. It is also key to recovery and your body needs protein to function properly and stay healthy.
Many people are not effectively trying to up their protein levels, and those who are are mostly likely body builders. But you don’t have to be entering competitions to be consciously watching your protein intake.
According to research by Healthista, 90% of us don’t know why we need it or the benefits of it – which are numerous.
But how much do we actually need?
How much Protein do I need?
To calculate your protein requirements take your weight in kg then multiply that number by 0.8 (if you are not very active) through 1.8 (if you are extremely active). As a general guideline, the RDA for adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. But, as you can see from the chart below, you will need to increase your protein that if you have an active life or are pregnant or breastfeeding.Weight in kilograms Protein per day if you’re not very active Protein per day if you’re active or pregnant Protein per day if you’re extremely active or in training 45.5 kg 36.4 g 59.2 g 81.9 g 47.7 kg 38.2 g 62 g 85.9 g 50 kg 40 g 65 g 90 g 52.3 kg 41.8 g 68 g 94.1 g 54.5 kg 43.6 g 70.9 g 98.1 g 56.8 kg 45.4 g 73.8 g 102.2 g 59.1 kg 47.3 g 76.8 g 106.4 g 61.4 kg 49.1 g 79.8 g 110.5 g 63.6 kg 50.9 g 82.7 g 114.5 g 65.9 kg 52.7 g 85.7 g 118.6 g 68.2 kg 54.7 g 88.7 g 122.8 g 70.5 kg 56.4 g 91.7 g 126.9 g 72.7 kg 58.2 g 94.5 g 130.8 g 75 kg 60 g 97.5 g 135 g
Get in the best shape of your life and be in the know when it comes to protein…
10 amazing facts about protein
1. Meat isn’t always the best source of protein
When we think of protein we automatically think of large cuts of beef or chicken. But you can actually get just as much protein from plants, such as edamame beans, nuts, peanut butter, tofu soya beans and lentils as well as eggs and dairy.
2. You need around 50 grams of protein a day
Protein is found in every cell in the body and the protein we consume is used to build and repair tissues.
It is also used to make enzymes and hormones and is important for building bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
We all know about having at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables but did you know you should be aiming for around 50 grams of protein per day?
3. You can be protein deficient
You’ve probably heard about being iron or vitamin D deficient, but you could also be protein-deficient. If you suffer from a lack of protein you could lose muscle mass.
Other symptoms include the reduction of red blood cell productions as well as joint pain.
4. Your hair and nails are made of protein
If you are protein deficient you may notice it in your nails and hair, as these parts of the body are made up of largely protein. In the worst cases, people who are lacking in protein may find their hair starts falling out.
5. Eating too much protein is dangerous for the body
On the flip side, eating too much protein can cause stress on the livers and kidneys because they have to work harder to break down the extra protein.
6. Protein keeps you fuller longer than carbs
By eating small amounts of protein at every meal, you’ll actually feel fuller for longer. In fact, the body takes longer to break down protein than it does carbohydrates.
It will also help you curb those pesky cravings!
7. It helps build muscle
This is why we think of body builders bulking up on beef! With the right exercise and a balanced diet, protein is the building block in helping muscles grow.
8. Protein helps your eyes function
Cataracts are caused by the break down of proteins in the lenses of the eyes. People who follow a healthy diet full of fruits, wholegrain and high in protein may have a decreased risk of developing cataracts.
9. A plant-based protein-rich diet may help you conceive
Researchers have found that women who get most of their protein from plant-based sources are less likely to experience ovulation problems. This may be due to the lower levels of hormones in meat.
10. A diet rich in protein helps you focus
Feeling distracted? Try upping your protein. Your brain needs a steady supply of amino acids, which are found in all protein-rich food.