12 ideas to reuse your empty Healthy Mummy Smoothie containers

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Our Healthy Mummy community have shared some fantastic ideas to reuse those empty smoothie containers you may have in the pantry.

12 ideas to reuse your empty Healthy Mummy Smoothie containers

We have previously shared Flip McKinnon, who has lost 30kgs thanks to the Healthy Mummy Smoothies, awesome idea to upcycle her empty Healthy Mummy smoothie tubs.

Flip hated binning the perfectly useful containers that the smoothie mix comes in.

“I have a smoothie daily, sometimes two a day,” mum-of-two Flip tells us.

Flip admits that she had a few empty tubs laying around the house. So the self-confessed recycle-lover and former teacher got creative and crafty and redesigned her smoothie tubs into pantry staple containers.

Here’s how she did it:

Step One: Wash and dry your empty Smoothie tubs.
Step Two: Measure out your rectangles on the paper side of the contact. I found 13cm X 36cm worked well and gave you a bit of an overlap.
Step Three: Peel the Healthy Mummy labels off your smoothie tubs.
Step Four: Carefully line up your edges, start to peel the paper backing off the contact and roll around the tub – if you start to go a little wonky, or if you get a bubble, just lift the contact a little and reposition.
Step Five: Add the supplies and labels.

Flip reorganised her whole pantry using the containers for rolled oats, quinoa, chia seeds, couscous, oat bran, almond meal, rice, flour, lentils, nuts, sugar and cacao in tubs.

Read more – How One Mum Transformed Herself AND Her Empty Smoothie Tubs

Mon also recently shared her fab idea in the Healthy Mummy group.

Mon asked, “Does anyone else re-use their smoothie tubs?”

“Much easier to store in my cupboard.”

Moy says she uses them for all sorts of things like:
Rolled oats
Protein powder
Super greens
Tummy powder

Natasha shared, “These are only some of my empty tubs. I like to reuse them as containers for my healthy goodies. I do need a bigger cupboard but I’ll work with what I have. “

Other ideas from the Healthy Mummy community include:

  • Craft supplies – Reusing them to store kids’ pencils and textas
  • Store girls’ hair bands
  • Store spare board game parts or dice
  • Hubby might use them to take tea/coffee, sugar to work
  • In the shed for nails, screws, and spare parts
  • Moneybox for all that loose change
  • Growing herbs
  • Pantry essentials – flour, sugar, cereal etc
  • Crafty creations with the kids
  • Lost bits and pieces
  • Store your Healthy Mummy snacks/treats
  • Why not mix up your favourite Healthy Mummy Smoothie and pop in it for when you are out and about.

Sammie shared a great Christmas craft idea, “I’m doing these for our front yard with some of mine.”

“The other containers my kids have decorated them and are growing herbs in them.”

What other clever ways have you recycled your Healthy Mummy Smoothie containers?

Grab your Healthy Mummy Smoothie today!

Healthy Mummy Smoothies
● Breastfeeding Friendly with no added dairy, fillers, caffeine or artificial sweeteners
● 96% Sugar-Free, high protein + fibre, low GI
● Ginger root to improve metabolism & assist weight loss
● High source of vitamins, minerals, nutrients & antioxidants

Purchase yours HERE


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