4 reasons why the scales don’t always tell the truth

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When following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, you should never let your scales run or ruin your day.

Nothing can wreck a good attitude or motivation like those numbers on the scale, so don’t let them take over or they could break you down and knock your confidence.

There are four major reasons why the numbers on your scales are not a true reflection of your weight loss.

This is the BEST time of day to weigh yourself

What you should be aware of is that frequent weighing is misleading.

Did you know that your weight can fluctuate as much as 2-5kg in a single day? Yes, that’s right! The thing about scales is that it weighs everything and not just fat. It weighs muscle, bone, water, and bodily waste.

A fluctuation in your weight can be caused by so many things.

The four biggest culprits…

1. Menstrual cycle


Bloating, cramps, swelling, mood swings, cravings, binge eating, and yes, weight gain! And of course water retention. During the menstrual cycle our bodies hold onto fluids like a drought is coming and the best advice is not to weigh yourself at this time.

2. The weight of food

The optimal time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning, when you don’t have any food or liquids in your system. Everything you ingest not only has calories, but it also has some weight to it. The lowest calorie foods can sometimes be the heaviest! You will weigh more after taking in large amounts of fluid and weigh less after a big effort in which your body perspires.

3. Waste in your system

sit on toilet
Source: Istock.

We are constantly carrying around bodily waste. This is the waste that has been in your colon and small intestine for a long time. As the waste builds up in your digestive tract, it will cause you to weigh more on the scale. You may have heard of people losing a few pounds after doing a colon cleanse. Well, they didn’t lose body-fat weight; they lost waste. While a colon cleanse isn’t for everyone, increasing the amount of fibre in your diet to flush your waste system also can give a similar effect.

4. Lean muscle tissue

As you start doing exercise and light weight-bearing exercise you will gain more lean muscle tissue, which weighs more than fat. So you may actually gain weight. Even though the numbers on the scale may not be moving, it doesn’t mean that you’re not getting smaller. Muscle is more dense than fat, so it takes up less space. You can be in a smaller pants size, but still not be any lighter on the scale.

Ask yourself this:

Would you rather fill your jeans with 3kg of fat or 3kg of lean, toned muscle?

Which looks better in a bathing suit?

This extra lean muscle tissue has its benefits. Not only will you appear smaller, but muscle will help boost your metabolism too.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge that the scales does tell the occasional fib, and that weight is only a number, you can view your weight fluctuations with a less critical eye.

No matter what the scales say, make an effort to tell yourself, “Today is the day I take control of my life and my body!” and the Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge can help you to do that.

Cicily lost 51kg

Cicily Goodwin lost 51kg on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and has transformed her body and health – you can too

Cicily weight loss
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