Bye bye dimples! Here’s how you can help BANISH cellulite

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Have you ever seen a man with cellulite? Well, our lovely orange peel dimples are pretty much exclusive to the female gender like other fun things, periods, labour and so on. Woohoo. 

In this blog, we will go over what cellulite is and how you can help banish cottage cheese thighs, hips and bum for good.

Did you know detoxing can assist in the banishment of cellulite and unwanted body fat? Check out our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge to get your healthy routine started!

Girl shows holding and pushing the skin of the legs cellulite, orange peel. Treatment and disposal of excess weight, the deposition of subcutaneous fat tissue
Girl shows holding and pushing the skin of the legs cellulite, orange peel. Treatment and disposal of excess weight, the deposition of subcutaneous fat tissue

Cellulite, Cellulite, Cellulite

Cellulite is caused by the different way our fat cells are organised and by the lovely way nature helped us prepare for pregnancy by letting oestrogen increase fat storage in women.

Neatly stacked in vertical chambers, our individual fat cells can be noticed more easily due to the fact that our outer skin is often also thinner, so little bulges are even more noticeable. And hormonal changes like pregnancy or menopause can turn peaches into oranges too.

Age, Diet, Lifestyle

But the difference between your skin and the woman next to you or your younger or slimmer self can still be dramatic. This can be due to a sudden increase or drop in weight which causes the cells to blow up like balloons and deflate in not such a pretty fashion. Also and especially if you’ve recently lost weight, your waste removal processes may not be running optimally.

And more good news: as you get older, your waste removal process generally becomes less efficient and your skin thins even more and loses elasticity due to various factors such as excessive sun exposure, bad diet, weight fluctuations, hormonal changes and that will make any existing cellulite look worse.

You may think so how do I look like Elle, The Body, then? Well, truth be told, a lot of celebrities also have age marks, cellulite, grey hairs etc. They are just perfected for the cameras and their photos retouched to within an inch of their lives.

So fear not, some cellulite is simply the female way of stacking fat cells. But from there, you can change and improve a whole lot. From the inside and outside. Just steer clear of miracle pills. Improvement takes slow steady progress and practice. You don’t get a body like Elle in a week and you sure as hell won’t get a huge improvement in your cellulite either. Be realistic.

Two ways to banish cellulite

1. Focusing On The Inside

If you’ve recently lost a lot of weight and increased your exercise volume a lot, you need to give your body a waste removal boost.


Try a detox to see how much smoother and more velvety your skin will become. Our 3 Day Cleanse is PERFECT for helping you shift the toxins, improve your metabolism and kickstart your energy levels.

three day cleanse day 1
Lauren’s 3 Day Cleanse – Day 1
Lauren’s 3 Day Cleanse – Day 3

Lauren lost nearly two kilograms in 3 days following the 3 Day Cleanse and COMPLETELY kicked the bloat.

Lauren says, “I feel so fresh, light, energetic, comfortable, confident and HAPPY! And the best part?? No starving!!! That’s right, you still get to eat totally amazing, tasty and healthy food.” 

Start your own cleanse using our ebook, learn more about it here.

Watch The Diet

Generally, a well-balanced diet rich in greens and balanced with protein, some whole grains and as little inflammation-causing foods as possible (they put a strain on your system) are best.

Also, watch your blood sugar and sodium levels, make sure you hydrate well and avoid anything acidic.

Help de-stress your system by adding simple breathing and/or exercise routines to your day. Stress is a major factor in causing your body to function sub-optimally.

You may also be interested in reading this article: Is Stress The Reason Behind Your Weight Gain?

2. Focusing On The Outside

Reducing your overall body fat and increasing your muscle tone will make your cellulite less noticeable and mind-body exercises will help you with the stress levels.

Go for a short walk to help you get your cardiovascular system working and perhaps try our skipping exercises if you are up for a more vigorous workout. Ideally, you’d be aiming for 20 to 60 minutes of exercise three times a week or more. (But two is a good starting point, too!)

Mix up your sessions so you lower your risk of becoming demotivated or getting stuck in a rut. Cardio, weights, pilates and yoga – the list goes on.

If you can, add in exercises that tone the specific area you’re looking to improve. So that could be our side leg series, abdominal exercises or the cross reach to tighten up your behind.

Try our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and start your year off feeling cellulite free!

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