Just halfway through her 12 week weight loss journey, mum Cassie has already almost reached her goal!

Just six weeks into the Healthy Mummy's 12 week Challenge, mum of four Cassie is already almost at her 5 kilo weight loss goals.
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Mum Cassie admits that after four beautiful big babies and some serious ab separation, she’d never get a flat tummy again.

But that was before she signed up for the Healthy Mummy’s 12 week challenge. She’s half way through the 12 weeks and is super close to reaching her goal!

What’s more, she is still eating all the foods she loves just healthier versions so she never feels like she’s missing out!

All about Cassie

Cassie Newman is 42 from Perth WA and has four children aged 14,8, 6 and 2.

It was always at the back of Cassie’s mind that she wanted to get back in shape and be healthy and fit for her young family but admits that lack of sleep and busy mum life meant she just kept putting off.

Cassie says “Then a few months before my youngest daughter turned two, my husband was diagnosed with MS and I realised that looking after my own health was more important than ever. I saw an advertisement for the Healthy Mummy 12-week challenge, signed straight up and I haven’t looked back.”

In the 6 short weeks since joining Cassie has lost 4.2 kilos and is inching towards her goal.

Cassie says, “I originally joined the 12-week challenge to lose the last 5 kilos of my pregnancy weight (which just wasn’t budging almost 2 years on) and to improve my overall health, for both myself and my family. 6 weeks in and I’m almost at my goal weight, so, although my focus is still on improving my health and fitness it’s now less on weight loss and more on building muscle and strength.”

Along with dropping the kilos, Cassie is also feeling some health benefits with improved moods, more energy and better skin. She’s also loving fitting back into her pre pregnancy clothes.

“Having more energy has given me the motivation to do the everyday things I’d usually put off. I guess I’m just feeling happier in myself and a lot less sluggish.”

Cassie has also incorporated Healthy Mummy Smoothies into her daily routine.

“I’ve been using the double chocolate premium smoothie (which is really yummy), mostly in the afternoons when I need a pick me up/chocolate fix. I’ve also ordered a caramel smoothie and some collagen which I can’t wait to try!”

What Cassie eats in a typical day

Breakfast: Coffee; Zucchini and bacon slice.
Snack: Coffee; Healthy Weetbix slice
Lunch: Coffee; Ham and salad sandwich/wrap
Snack: Apple and almond butter and Chocolate frappe smoothie
Dinner: Chicken and pear salad
Desert: Simple panna cotta

Favourite Snacks

“There are so many but my top 3 would probably be”

  • The Weetbix slice – I think I make this every few days!
  • The chocolate chip cookie tart
  • The choc chip banana bread (made into muffins)

Favourite App Workouts

“Definitely the boxing with Laura. I find it great stress relief. I actually bought a punching bag and will often do the work-out on the bag and then afterwards just turn my own music up and keep going… I also like the Tabata and the dance workouts and I’m going to try the Pilates soon to work on my flexibility.”

Living the healthy lifestyle

Cassie has ditched the ‘all or nothing approach’ which she says could work in the short term but not sustainable or fun.

“I’d feel deprived, end up binge eating a full block of chocolate or packet of chocolate biscuits etc… then feel guilty and give up. The Healthy Mummy is easy to stick to because it’s not restrictive and you can still have all your favourite foods (just healthier versions) or, if you do want to have a glass of wine or piece of birthday cake you just include it in your calorie count for the day.”

Cassie’s Three tips for success

  • Find an exercise you enjoy doing whether that’s walking your dog along the beach, a team sport or one of the awesome App workouts, because you’re more likely to stick with it if you’re having fun.
  • Always have tasty, healthy snacks on hand so you don’t grab for the chips/chocolate bars when you start feeling hangry.
  • On that note, always make a double batch of the yummy snacks like Weetbix slice/muffins etc. or at least hide some because your kids WILL eat them all on you.

Cassie also has some awesome advice for anyone embarking on a health and weight loss journey.

“Small changes add up to big results. Sometimes trying to change everything at once is too overwhelming so you just give up. Instead, start small; Increase your water intake; Swap your usual meals for a healthier version, or go for a morning walk and, keep doing it until it becomes a habit. Be kind to yourself and have patience. If you can only do one push-up do that and then tomorrow do two. You will get fitter/stronger over time.”

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