“I never feel like I’m on a ‘diet’ says mum who’s embraced the Healthy Mummy lifestyle and lost almost 16 kilos

Seven months after joining The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, Kerryn has lost almost 16 kilos and is now under 5 kilos away from her goal weight.
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After watching The Healthy Mummy from the sidelines for several years and seeing all the incredible results from others mums, Kerryn finally decided it was her time to make some changes to her weight and health. She jumped in and joined The Healthy Mummy.

Seven months later, she has lost almost 16 kilos and is now under 5 kilos away from her goal weight. Go Kerryn!!!

“I feel physically and mentally stronger and am amazed daily at my willpower with food.”

Kerryn Davies from Bendigo in Victoria is 40 years old and has two children aged five and two.

Seven months ago, Kerryn found herself at her heaviest weight outside of being pregnant. Weighing 80.4 kilos, she knew she wanted to make some changes.

“I had been watching The Healthy Mummy from the side-lines for many years, but now it was my turn, that morning.”

Kerryn’s Weight Loss Results

“I have since lost 15.9kg and many cm’s over my body. I am now 4.7kg away from my goal weight.”

By embracing the Healthy Mummy lifestyle with a mix of different meals and snacks, eating in moderation and not depriving herself of the foods she loves, Kerryn can’t quite believe how her attitude to food has changed.

“Physical and Mental Changes”

“Over the past 7 months, I have seen so many changes physically and mentally. While the number on the scales has gotten lower, so has my resting heart rate.I feel physically and mentally stronger and am amazed daily at my willpower with food.The Healthy Mummy meals and snacks certainly make it easy and I never feel like I’m on a “diet”.

Kerryn’s Favourites

Kerryn starts every day with a glass of water followed by one of the Healthy Mumm Smoothie recipes from the Healthy Mummy App.

“I like to mix these up and try at least one new recipe each week. My favourite flavour smoothie mix is the caramel, using it in the Caramel Apple Tea Cake Smoothie recipe often.”

Having prepared Healthy Mummy snacks on hand means Kerryn is much less likely to grab an unhealthy option.

“My favourites are the Choc Chip Banana Bread, Pizza Scrolls, Apple and Peanut Butter Snack

My family love the Stovetop Lasagne (pictured) and I always have a good sized stash in the freezer for those busy days.”


Kerryn’s Typical Day

“The 28 Day Challenges are amazing because you are resetting each month with updated goals and new recipes and themes, it never gets boring”

Workouts in the Healthy Mummy APP

Kerryn says, “I love the range of workouts in the app. I started with the postnatal workouts (even though bubs was 18 months old) as these were a nice and safe way to enter into exercise again. I’ve since found a love for the resistance band, butt and thigh and core workouts.”

Kerryn’s TOP TIPS

  1.  Always take photos, these give you something to look back on when you need to see how far you have come. I like to wear the same outfit and stand the same way each time to get a true representation of my progress.
  2. Measure your body to also track your progress. Make sure you use a guide for each measurement, so you measure the same spot every time eg. a freckle, tattoo, belly button etc.
  3. Make double batches of all main meals and snacks. Most snacks freeze well and you will be less likely to order take away or reach for the unhealthy foods if you already have something on hand.

Kerryn has some very wise words of advice for other mums on their own weight loss journey.

“Your weight loss journey is your own. While you can get inspiration from other women, remember that they are following their own journey, at their own pace. It will be fast at times and I guarantee it will also be slow, but as long as you keep working towards your goal, then you will see results.”

Congratulations on your amazing results so far Kerryn!

Are you ready to become a Healthy Mummy like Kerryn?

If you are wanting to lose weight and improve your energy – not to mention – help improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out.

Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge includes:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans (including 7 Day Cleanse)
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!

To learn more about our 28 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE CLICK HERE or purchase our Smoothies.

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