“Do you know what’s better than any number on the scales? Confidence.”

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We are all about female empowerment here at Healthy Mummy HQ, and we love seeing mums like Annette rocking their confidence!

Hear what she has to say below…

Annette Palma 6:10

Rock that confidence!

Annette says, “Do you know what’s better than any number on the scales? Confidence. The confidence to order a dress online and rock it. No spanx needed. Just a smile.” 

This mum of three and October Squad Mum has come a long way.

“In that first photo I honestly didn’t think I’d get to this point. It felt forever away. But everyone starts somewhere. And if you focus too much on how far you have to go, you lose sight of how far you’ve already come.”

Though she’s found it tough at times, Annette’s consistent hard work has paid off and she looks fabulous!

“The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge makes hard work and consistency so much easier!”

Well done Annette, it’s so wonderful to see how confident you are!

Join Annette on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge!

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If you are inspired by Annette’s before and after pics and want to take charge of your own health and weight – then join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY.

With more than 3,500 delicious (and healthy) recipes, 350 exercises & 24/7 support – the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge  is designed (and proven) to help busy mums like you lose weight!

To learn more about our challenge OR to join – click here.

To support your weight loss, The Healthy Mummy also has a range of delicious and good-for-you smoothies!


Our smoothie range offers an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients & important antioxidants. It does not contain any weight loss accelerants, caffeine, gluten and is dairy free. It is also a non Genetically Modified product!

To learn more about our smoothies – click here.

To purchase one of our smoothies – click here.

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