Mum loses 43kg to become a better female role model to her kids
Wowsers! What a transformation, Cassie Krawczyk!
This Melbourne-based mum-of-three decided she wanted to become a healthy female role model to her kids.
Now, she’s lost 43kg since joining the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and has more energy than ever before!
Cassie has dropped 43kg and is a better role model to her three kids
31-year-old Cassie admits she’s been overweight all of her life but she knew she needed to make a change.
“It was after I had my second child and having the two girls. I realised they needed a healthy female role model,” she says.
“I was tired all the time and couldn’t keep up with them. That wasn’t fair on them and wasn’t the mother I wanted to be.”
Initially, Cassie says she dropped 20kg really fast but then it took her another two years (with a baby in between) to drop the rest.
“I’ve gone from a size 18-20 to a size 8-10. I am finding my mental health in particular is so much better. I get so much out of exercise and healthy eating,” she says.
“I am a lot stronger and fitter. I use exercise as a way to calm down and to re-centre when I haven’t had the best day mentally.”
What a typical day looks like for Cassie
“I usually try to have a Healthy Mummy premium banana smoothie for breakfast as it is more convenient when getting kids ready for school.”
“When on the go, I usually have a Healthy Mummy snack bar or have some fruit. When I’m at home I have pear with peanut butter or almond butter.”
“Lunch usually consists of a salad or wrap from the hm app and dinner is usually something quick and simple from the hm app.”
“I am crazy for the Pita Pizzas. And could have Porcupine Meatballs every day of the week if the family would allow.”
“The Challenge boxing and yoga. I have gained so much flexibility doing the yoga workouts.”
Cassie’s 3 tips for success
1. Find something that motivates you to keep going
2. Be more confident in yourself and more confident in your capabilities because we are all capable of change.
3. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Whether that’s trying new foods or a new workout or lifting heavier weights. Because how do you know if you can’t do something or like something unless you try it first.
Advice Cassie has for other mums looking to lose weight
“Stay confident, stay strong, you are capable of doing this for not only yourself but for your family.”
Love the sound of this delicious recipe? Want access to thousands and thousands MORE healthy recipes just like it? Then be sure to check out our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is a family-friendly, breastfeeding-safe program designed FOR MUMS to help them tackle their health and lose the baby weight.
Every week you are given a different meal plan to follow and each month we add 300+ NEW recipes to our Challenge Recipe Hub. That way, you’ll never get bored and stay on weight loss track while digging into healthy, yummy recipes.
Learn more about our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge HERE.
Join Cassie on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge!