Healthy Mummy Samara Shares Her 7 Positive Ways To Start The Day

Samara is a single mum of two girls and has found some small and simple ways to organise her mornings to change the mood and set the tone for the day.
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If you find the mornings slightly chaotic, you’re certainly not alone. For many busy mums, the mornings can be the most stressful and rushed part of the day. Just getting yourself ready and the kids organised for school, lunch boxes packed, teeth cleaned, breakfast sorted, kitchen tidied, and all without one of the kids melting down because they can’t find their homework! Sound familiar?

Let’s face it, sometimes just getting out of the house in the morning without someone in tears, or vegemite fingers on your work shirt can be a bit of a trek!

But there is another way! Samara Rochelle has embraced a Healthy Mummy lifestyle for the last five years and lost 17 kilos on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge. The gorgeous single mum of two girls has found some small and simple ways to organise her mornings to change the mood and set the tone for the day.

Get Samara’s 7 Positive Ways to Start the Day below

Samara shares her Morning Rituals

“I have never been one for a morning routine, but since having kids, my life is always go, go, go! These 7 simple morning rituals have made a massive difference in the way our days go. Give them a try, but remember, not everything will work for everyone. Alter as needed to suit you and your family.”

1) Set it up the night before!

“I like to get organised the night before, especially if it’s a school night! My girls will set out their school uniforms, and I will set out my clothes for the day. My phone, laptop and watch all go on charge, and the school bags are set by the door, ready to be packed. This helps everyone feel a little more organised when they wake up hence reducing stress, tantrums, and meltdowns (mum included!).

2) Enjoy the peace!

“This one can be the hardest, but I think, one of the most important things to do first thing each morning. Try to wake up slightly earlier than your kids, I aim for at least 15 minutes. Enjoy the peace and quiet and do something for yourself, by yourself! My cheeky pleasure is enjoying a nice hot coffee on my own. If you don’t drink coffee, make yourself a tea or some warm lemon water and gather your thoughts before the mad rush begins. This helps set the tone the day in calm way, rather than starting the day feeling stressed.”

3) Make your bed!

“It sounds simple, but the effect it can have on the rest of your day is great!”
“Retired U.S. Navy Admiral Seal, William McRaven believes that, making your bed first thing in the morning can have a much bigger impact on the rest of your day than you might think.”If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day, ″ he says. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another. And by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. And if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made – that you made.”

So make your bed!! – my mum voice has been activated!!”

4) Let it shine!

“Is there anything better than natural light shining through your windows first thing in the morning?! I can’t think of any other way to start my day. Not only does it help you save on that pesky electricity bill, but natural lighting also helps you to be more productive, happier, healthier, and calmer. Open those blinds ladies! I also like to open the windows (depending on the weather and season). Fresh air has so many health and wellbeing benefits! I definitely notice a difference in mine and my girls’ moods when the rooms are filled with natural light and fresh air!”

5) Set your goals!

“I find that writing down my goals for the day, first thing in the morning, can really help me stay on track. You may like to think of it as your to-do list and check off each thing by the end of the day! By planning your day and setting your intentions in the morning, you can feel more organised and on track with each little bit of success in completing a task or goal. It may be something as small as drinking a glass of water each hour or making a batch of muffins for the school lunches. Write it all down in the morning and tick it off as you go.”
“If you have a memory like mine (almost non-existent) you can even add bills that need to be paid, phone calls that need to be made, and other things you need to do through the day.”

6) Don’t skip breakfast!

“We’ve all heard the saying ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ – and it’s said with good reason! When you start your day with a filling, nutritious breakfast, you are giving your body exactly what it needs to get through the day productively! It also prevents you from letting yourself get too hungry and then reaching for the quicker, convenient foods that may be higher in sugar, salt, and fat.

My absolute FAVOURITE breakfast is a good old Healthy Mummy Smoothie. It is super quick, convenient, and delicious. I can also enjoy it on the go if I need to!“If mornings are a little too rushed for you, there are plenty of different recipes in the Healthy Mummy App that can be prepared the night before! Overnight oats, chia puddings, breakfast muffins and even pancakes are just a few ideas!”

7) Move your body!

“I am most definitely a morning workout person. I find that if I wait too late in the day to try and workout, I come up with all kinds of excuses as to why I can’t. I am bad for procrastination and will find any and all excuses as to why something else is more important than me moving my body. So up and at it straight after school drop off is my way to go! This way, no matter how I spend the rest of the day, I know I have moved my body already and I won’t have that guilt sitting on my shoulders all day! It doesn’t have to be a strenuous workout; a simple walk can do the trick!”Samara Collage
“I hope that these small morning routine changes can help set the tone for your day in the most positive way possible. Let me know if you have any ideas to add to the list!”

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Samara is a mum of 2 girls and has lost over 17kg with The Healthy Mummy. RIGHT NOW Samara is here to MOTIVATE and help you to reach your goals too the same way she has.
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