INCREDIBLE! This mum has lost 30 kilos and 80cms in just 12 Weeks!
What an incredible weight loss result! Mum of 6 Cassandra Perrin has lost a whopping 30 kilos and 80 cms on the Healthy Mummy’s 12 Week Challenge!
This year, Cassandra made a commitment to herself to get healthy and lose weight. Already a member of the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, Cassandra was thrilled when the 12 week challenge was announced and says that the support and accountability with a group of other women doing the same thing was exactly what she needed to smash her goals. And boy did she smash them!!!
“I have loved the 12 week challenge and would definitely do it again, I am so grateful to the Healthy Mummy!
To join the next 12 week Challenge – find our budget offer to join here!
See her amazing story below!
About Cassandra
Cassandra is 41 from Bredbo in NSW and is mum to 6 beautiful children aged 19 to 6 years old.
Cassandra shares, “They are my world along with my amazing husband and for the last 22 years I have poured my heart and soul into them and I’m sure like most wives and mums.. lost myself a bit along the way”
Cassandra admits that following a couple of stressful pregnancies, special needs children and dealing with the challenges of teenagers led to her weight gain.
“I got depressed and it was a vicious cycle.”
Watching the Healthy Mummy community since 2015, Cassandra joined the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge a couple of years ago but decided 2021 was going to be HER year when she focused on losing weight and getting healthy.
When the opportunity to join the 12 Week Challenge came up, she jumped at it.
“I was stoked when the 12 challenge was announced this was what I needed. I had 12 weeks of support and accountability with a group of women who were all there doing the same thing, I could do it in the safety of my home and still be connected to a support system of an amazing community and be held accountable each week with my weigh-in, measurements and progress photos.
I didn’t have to go to a gym. As a morbidly obese lady with social anxiety and depression this was amazing. I was excited to be a part of a community and still be hidden.”
Cassandra’s pledge
- To speak kindly to myself every day
- To make time every day for the next 12 weeks even if it’s 10 minutes to exercise
- To eat as healthy as I can and to enjoy the moments of celebration like birthdays and then straight back to it.
- To be kind to me, to love me, to have fun as I get fit and healthy.
Cassandra more than accomplished her pledge, and actually found herself really enjoying the whole experience.
“I laughed and loved the journey, it is also a pledge that I will continue to do, as I grow to love myself more and gain confidence every day. Just doing this is a huge step and the old version of me would not have done it in a million years. I hope that I continue to grow and show my children that they to can have the strength and courage to do the things their hearts desire.”
Weight Loss Results – 30kg in total over the 12 weeks and 80cm
Along with the obvious weight loss result, Cassandra is loving a heap of other health benefits that’s come with her weight loss.
“I feel amazing, I have inflammatory arthritis and my last lot of blood work came back and my inflammatory markers are almost all gone.”
“My skin looks amazing, my gut health feels better, I can move so much eaiser and a lot faster. I am no longer taking any pain medication.”
I can now buy clothes in rebel sports..and I brought a top it long-distance relationship. I love this because that is how I feel about my weight loss and health journey this is a long-distance thing. It’s an exciting journey.”
How she did it in 12 Weeks
Along with the support from the 12 Week Support Group, Cassandra found the 12 Week Challenge Tool Kit super helpful for accountability.
“The 12 week challenge tool kit helped me a lot, it was great for my mental health. I could write down goals and my measurements I found that really good. The Healthy Mummy app and Facebook support group was also an amazing support system for me too.”
What Cassandra ate for weight loss
“I used the Healthy Mummy premium smoothies to help me reach my goal. I had 2 a day breakfast and lunch. My favourite flavours are espresso, choc mint, and double chocolate.”
“I had meat and salad, salad and tuna, salad egg for dinner and Fruit/yoghurt/handfull of nuts for a snack.”
“I drink 3L of water a day 1 cup of black tea or/and 1 cup of green tea with lemon.
I have the Healthy Mummy super greens a few times a week I just mix it with water most of the time occasionally in my smoothie.”
Would she do it again?
“I have loved the 12 week challenge and would definitely do it again I am so grateful to the Healthy Mummy, the 12 week Facebook group and all the wonderful women who shared in there along the way.. you inspire me and you all worked really hard and should feel so proud of your selves and your success.”
Cassandra’s Tips for Weight Loss
Don’t give up, just keep Dory says, because this has taken me 18 years and many many downs to finally have my up and be seeing some real downs on the scales.
It’s just as much a mental battle as it is a food battle. Thank you for your bravery in sharing your stores along the way. You have helped me, you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are worth it. Keep swimming “