Let’s talk all things libido, intercourse, orgasm and menopause
Sharing what is normal, common and to be expected as it relates to sexual desire and physical intimacy is important. Knowing we are not alone when changes happen in our body is enormously relieving.
In fact, scientific research on this very topic says discussing sex is a fundamental part of healthcare and improving quality of life.
So…let’s talk about sex baby!
When women think of menopause it’s the hot flushes and night sweats that come to mind. Yet there are many other very common symptoms including changes in desire and libido, a harder time achieving orgasm and discomfort during intercourse.
Add insomnia plus a tendency to towards anxiety, irritability and depression and it is easy to understand why a menopausal woman’s desire for sexual intimacy wanes.
Sexual function can be an important aspect of well-being and quality of life so rather than giving up on ‘getting it on’ let’s explore the possible dietary and lifestyle solutions to the cause of the declining libido.
Hot flushes and vaginal dryness:
Soy, flaxseeds and Vitamin E may help with not only reducing hot flushes but also in improving vaginal dryness which contributes to pain and distress with intercourse.
If pain continues adding a lubricant topically to your vaginal area commonly helps eradicate this side effect of menopause.
Mood support:
There are many options to help with relief and support for fluctuating mood and poor sleep in what you eat and drink.
Some researched interventions specific for menopausal women include minerals such as magnesium, calcium and zinc, Vitamins C and a broad spectrum B, plus green tea extract. These have been found to be helpful in either lifting mood or calming anxiety.
Plus magnesium and calcium in their highly absorbable form of citrate are well known for their action on improving sleep.
The Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ with non-GM soy, flaxseed, Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium citrate, calcium citrate, Vitamin C, B group vitamins and green tea extract bath your body and your brain in the nutrients that may just help with getting your Sexy Back*.
Meaningful discussion on menopausal desire and intimacy we believe needs to cover other important topics not related to the possible enormous benefits of consistent, targeted and tailored nutrition.
Read more on what nutritional options benefit menopausal women.
The cycle of sexual response begins in the brain, where a memory, an image, a scent, music, or a fantasy can act as a trigger to prompt sexual arousal. This means deliberately adding in planned activities that work with your preferences may be a good starting place for treatment of low libido.
Making that you are fully relaxed and not holding any extra tension will help with any possible libido blocks also.
Try the MIND.BODY.BREATH sessions available in The Healthy Mummy app to help you relax.
Unresolved feelings:
The findings from the Melbourne Women’s Midlife Health Project showed clearly the impact of “feelings toward a partner” on sexual desire. This means reduced libido could be a reflection of unresolved emotions.
Sharing with your partner the factual changes that menopause brings and how you are personally experiencing them may open a conversation that leads to a richer and more supportive relationship.
If you do not feel able to have this conversation why not explore qualified help? Couples counselling is a great place to start.
Check up:
Even though we strongly believe the scientific research supporting the use of targeted nutrients in creating and maintaining health and vitality through menopause and beyond, please do get a checkup with a qualified medical professional if your symptoms do not subside.
*Sexy Back courtesy of Justin Timberlake
Get your hands on our Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ today!
Healthy Mummy Smoothie 45+ contains a unique combination of ingredients designed specifically to support the needs of women over 45 years old’
- Vitamin D with Calcium to enhance bone mineral density
- 50% of your Vit D RDI which is critical for bone health
- Good source of Protein for muscle mass maintenance
- Vitamin B6 for balanced hormonal activity support
- Zinc, Vitamin C + E to protect cells from free radical damage