This mum knows first hand the importance of raising support for perinatal depression

This Healthy Mummy deeply understands the importance of raising funds for the Gidget Foundation and supporting mums with postnatal depression.
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The Healthy Mummy has again partnered with the Gidget Foundation to help raise important funds for Perinatal Depression and Anxiety and support the wonderful work they do.

With a community of mums like ours, there are multiple mums who have dealt with perinatal depression and anxiety during their own journies. One such mum is Cassie McKay who has very generously shared her story below.
cassie mcCay gidget

This is Cassie’s story

“You may wonder why I’ve posted photos with my son on a post about perinatal depression. He is the reason this issue is very close to my heart.”

Cassie says her son was born four weeks early and was rushed to SCN when he didn’t take his first breath on his own. She says he was rushed away again when he was five days old, this time to NICU when a heart murmur was discovered and nobody knew why.

“I watched him struggle to breathe for two weeks before he had surgery to close a duct in his heart. The whole experience was surreal and very traumatic.”

“During this time I visited a GP. I was told I had postnatal depression but brushed it aside. I was too busy trying to juggle a sick newborn and a confused 3-year-old to do anything about it.”

Cassie says that she really struggled through her son’s first year. “We now know he has a yet-to-be-named multisystemic genetic disorder that required so many tests and visits to specialists. I poured everything I had into caring for my kids that year. But I was angry, I cried a lot and everything was hard, and looking back I really wish I’d reached out for some help.”

Gidget Foundation and Bun in the Oven

Postnatal/perinatal depression is a HUGE issue for mums and it is the biggest cause of maternal death. One in five mums suffer from it and this is why The Healthy Mummy has partnered with the Gidget Foundation to raise awareness and raise money for more support in this area.

Gidget Foundation Australia is a not for profit organisation supporting the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents to ensure that those in need receive timely, appropriate and supportive care.

The Bun in the Oven events are morning teas that will help to raise funds for the Gidget Foundation and raise awareness around this important cause. If you would like to donate, please click here. 

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