A mum’s honest confession “I’m struggling” resulted in outpouring of support
It takes a very brave mum (particularly one that has been inspiring thousands of other mums on a daily basis to live their healthiest life) to make the confession that she has been ‘struggling’.
When Healthy Mummy Accountability Mum, Annette admitted in a heartfelt post on the Healthy Mummy Private Support Group that she was struggling and that she felt that she has let herself and her followers down, her post gained a tidal wave of LOVE and SUPPORT from mums.
The responses to Annette’s confession made our heart explode! It’s a lovely reminder that we, ‘mums’ are all in this together. And it’s OK to not be OK. Read Annette’s confession and responses below.
In a world of perfectly manicured social media feeds it is easy to think everyone else’s lives are perfect and this warped perception often makes mums feel less than adequate.
But it is important to remember that we all struggle at different times throughout our lives and the ability to open up truthfully about these struggles is the first step in moving forward and overcoming them.
The Healthy Mummy team pride ourselves on being open, honest and transparent and we encourage our community of mums to do the same.
So thank you Annette! We believe in you and know that you will get your mojo back. And until then, our whole community supports you.
Annette’s personal heartfelt confession
“This is not a sympathy or ‘poor me’ post.
As one of your Accountability Mums I feel like I’ve not only let you down but myself as well.
It’s easy to look at someone else’s social media posts and be envious.
Anyone can make it look like they’re living the perfect life. Even when they’re not.
So in the spirit of honesty…
That’s not easy for me to admit or put out there.
Despite posting in here I’m actually a very private person.
I’m not great at talking about my emotions.
I AM great at putting on a front and giving the illusion that everything is OK.
Even when it is far from OK.
I don’t have depression.
I don’t have anxiety.
So I actually feel pretty pathetic admitting that I’m struggling so much when there are women in here who are dealing with much bigger issues and handling them like queens.
I feel like I’m in a vicious cycle where my body is letting me down and I can’t pull myself out of the mental funk that’s putting me in.
I barely left the house today.
I got absolutely nothing done.
A Smoothie was all I ate the entire day.
I could have happily stayed in bed all day.
And then the husband came home, took one look at me and kicked me out the door and told me to go get a workout in.
So I did.
And I felt amazing for it.
It’s OK to not be OK, especially on the 364 days that are not ‘R U OK?’day.
One of these days I’ll get my mojo back, but for now, I’ll keep working on keeping my head above water. Why?
Because I refuse to give up.
Giving up = quitting.
And I will not be a quitter.”
A mum’s response that sums up how we all feel
The outpouring of love and support for Annette was AMAZING and makes The Healthy Mummy so proud of the community we have formed.
As one mum so perfectly wrote:
“There is no shame at all admitting you’re struggling.
You, like the rest of us, are only human.
Believe me, you haven’t let us down at all.
Your beautiful happy face in your lives makes me smile and happy. Even if you are putting on a front, you still come on here and make a difference to us all.
You are allowed to not be ok.
We are here to support you in all aspects of your journey.
You’re strong.
Take one step at a time.
Reach out if you need.”
The Healthy Mummy team want to thank Annette for inspiring so many mums with her honest confession. “We hear you, Annette. We are here for you. You are a warrior and we believe in you.”
If you are looking for more articles that may help support you, check out our mental health archives.
Join our online community of supportive mums
If you are wanting to get that bit of extra support in your journey to better health come and join our community of over 1.5 million mums.
Reach out
If you find you can’t change your mindset and feel stuck, visit your GP for a mental health plan or call a counsellor who will guide you against the tide of mental illness towards living a more fulfilling life. You have a choice, which life you choose is up to you.
Mum Nicole Taylor offered this insight, “I hate asking for help. I have to think about how I would feel and react if someone close to me asked me for help (I wouldn’t think twice and help them), to realise that I’m denying them the opportunity to help me when I need that. It’s ok not to be ok, but it’s ok to reach out too.”
Call SANE Australia on 1800 187 263 or Lifeline 13 11 14 for immediate support.