Time Poor Smoothie

Get the maximum amount of nutrients and minerals in your healthy eating plan by making a smoothie. Use kale for its high concentration of essential minerals and avocado for its healthy fats.

Even when you’re short on time, you can quickly make yourself a healthy smoothie for maximum benefit.

Time Poor Smoothie

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Time Poor Smoothie
Time Poor Smoothie
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Course Smoothies
  • 1 cup unsweetened pineapple juice 250ml
  • 2 tbsp HM Vanilla protein powder 25g
  • 1 cup kale leaves 30g
  • ½ Lebanese cucumber 100g
  • ½ avocado 60g
Course Smoothies
  • 1 cup unsweetened pineapple juice 250ml
  • 2 tbsp HM Vanilla protein powder 25g
  • 1 cup kale leaves 30g
  • ½ Lebanese cucumber 100g
  • ½ avocado 60g
Time Poor Smoothie
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  1. Place all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend for 1 minute – stir, then blend again for another 30 seconds, or until smooth.
Recipe Notes

328 calories per serve

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Skip the guilty shakes. This is a better way to Smoothie

Designed for Weight Loss
Use in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise plan

Feel Fuller For Longer
With protein and fibre

Delicious & Nutritious
With 23+ Vitamins & Minerals

Natural Ingredients
Up to 96% sugar free, with no added artificial colours or flavours

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