See how mum lost 30kg in 12 months by eating 6 times a day.

Skye has lost an IMPRESSIVE 30kgs and 115cm off her body in just 12 months all while eating 6 times a day following The Healthy Mummy Challenges.
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Healthy mummy Skye has lost an IMPRESSIVE 30kgs and 115cm off her body in just 12 months following the nutritious and delicious meal plans from The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges.

Skye Knox says her favourite part of her weight loss journey is “losing weight from eating 6 times a day”.

She shares her three tips for other mums just starting out on their weight loss journey below.

New Zealand based Mum Skye is a great example that you don’t have to deny yourself food, in order to lose weight.

Not only has she lost an impressive 30kgs, but she has also done this while eating six times a day!

Skye’s Healthy Mummy journey

How much weight have you lost or/and inches?

“So far I have lost over 30kg and 115cm from ALL OVER MY BODY!”

When did you join The Healthy Mummy Challenges?

“I’m coming up to 12 months using The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges, encouraged by more than 22,000 other NZ mums on the New Zealand Healthy Mummy Support Group who are on the same journey as myself!”

How has The Healthy Mummy changed your life?

“I used to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.Mostly high sugar snacks, take away, fizzy drinks, and to top it off I had no routine.The Healthy Mummy has changed my life by showing me it’s not about starving myself, denying myself treats, or only eating salads.It’s about fuelling my body correctly, preparing my own food from scratch (that tastes better than takeaways), and snacking on things that are not made from refined sugar but instead natural sweeteners!”skye-30kg-weight-loss-Healthy-Mummy“The other important thing is that you can exercise at home, no need for the gym, just choose whichever workout you want and get your booty moving!”

What is your favourite thing about The Healthy Mummy?

“The meal plan and shopping list has been the best part of my journey. I only buy what I need for that week, and it keeps the cost and wastage down too!Of course, losing weight from eating six times a day is my favourite part of all!!”Read more about Skye’s journey here.

Skye’s top 3 tips for Mums starting out on their weight loss journey

“My top tips for someone starting out is:

  1. Set a short term goal first (the long term goal is sometimes so far apart we become discouraged)
  2. Planning is the key to success. Start a routine that’s achievable and fits in your life!
  3. Get outside with the kids and play, stop at that park you always drive past, walk to that friend’s house that’s not far away, and explore nature as much as possible! Your kids will love you more and you will love yourself more.”skye-loses-30kg-healthy-mummy-exercise

The Healthy Mummy team would like to thank Skye for sharing her weight loss success with us.  We are so proud of her achievements and think she looks FANTASTIC!

Join thousands of mums on the MUMS ONLY Challenge



Whether you have 5 kilograms to lose or 35 kilograms to lose – The Healthy Mummy is here to SUPPORT YOU and your PERSONAL WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY.

To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here.

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