Science reveals why eating dinner BEFORE 6pm is good for your health
When you’ve got a hectic schedule running around after kids, it’s not easy to eat dinner until everyone is in bed somedays.
But scientists have found that there are HEAPS of health benefits to eating your dinner before 6pm.
Here’s why eating BEFORE 6pm is good for your health
A year-long study by scientists at Columbia University has found that those who eat later in the evening were more likely to have high blood pressure, a higher body mass index (MBI) and higher blood sugar level.
112 women, who were aged 33 on average, were given a heart health score at the start of the study, then one year later.
They kept electronic food diaries on how much they age and the time of day they ate. The results showed that eating after 6pm caused numerous health problems.
Another study by Harvard researchers found that men who regularly had a ‘midnight’ or late evening snack were 55% more likely to develop coronary heart disease.
“We evolved to adopt a 24-hour light and dark cycle, meaning we eat and are active during the day and we sleep at night,” lead researcher Dr Nour Makarem told the Today Show.
“But our more demanding work schedules and commutes push everything later and now we are eating at unconventional times.
“So far, lifestyle approaches to prevent heart disease have focused on what we eat and how much we eat.
“These preliminary results indicate that intentional eating that is mindful of the timing and proportion of calories in evening meals may represent a simple, modifiable behaviour that can help lower heart disease risk.”
Maybe it’s time to start eating with the kids!
EASY DINNER IDEAS: Our mums share these 6 dinner ideas for when you’re not feeling it!
Healthy dinner recipes to lose weight: The real secret to staying full until bedtime
Eating breakfast and dinner at these times can blast fat
Make healthy habits with The Healthy Mummy
The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge encourages mums to have 3 meals and 3 healthy snacks as this helps mums BOOST their metabolism and shift fat.
Lauren Has Lost Over 46kgs
Lauren says, “If you’re just starting out on your journey, I’d highly recommend starting with a 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. It’s such a great way to learn about healthy eating and exercise.”

Jo Has Lost 41kgs
Jo says,“There is 12 months between these pictures (above). I have lost over 41kgs* since starting The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges in April 2016.
I love my daily Healthy Mummy smoothie and exercising with my two very active boys aged 2 & 3 years. I’m forever grateful to The Healthy Mummy for giving me a life that is a healthy one and a sustainable one too!!”
Renee Has Lost 46kg
This beautiful and hard working lady has lost an amazing 46kgs using the The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and Smoothies.
Renee says, “At times I feel as though progress is slow. But in hindsight, 17 months is such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things, considering that I lived every single day as an obese young woman for well over a decade.”
“The Healthy Mummy is just a part of my everyday life, I live and breathe it every minute of the day.
This weight loss journey has been so much more than me losing 46kgs*. The Healthy Mummy has given me the ability to make better choices for myself and my 7 year old son.”
Elle has lost 20kgs
“I have lost 25kg in just over a year following the Healthy Mummy lifestyle, but so much for me has changed, much more than just my weight.
From the age of 11, I always wanted long skinny legs – just like the models I saw on Fashion TV. I always HATED my chunky thighs. As I’ve lost weight and gained more confidence I now have learnt to embrace my legs. They are strong and I work them hard to look toned.
I have accepted I will never have gorgeous long skinny legs. But I will try to look the best I possibly can without compromising my health. Loving your body and nurturing it, finding your strengths is a BIG thing.”
Sascha lost 30kg
Sascha says, “Over 30kg gone from using The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and maintaining it couldn’t be more enjoyable”
Cicily has lost 56kgs
Cicily says, “Now I’m feeling so happy in myself, full of energy, confidence is back and excelling. I’m just so darn ME! I feel like I can finally be myself, like I was being held back and didn’t even realise it! Healthy Mummy you are my rock! Trust in the plans. They’ve changed my life forever!”