10 easy ways to cut 500 calories from your daily diet

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Struggling to cut down on your calorie intake each day? Let’s be honest, counting calories can be overwhelming and leave us feeling we need to eat rabbit food if we’re wanting to see results. But what if you could cut 500 calories from your daily diet without feeling like you’re saying goodbye to all your favourite foods? We share a few simple hacks that can make a big difference.

By making a few swaps and cutting 500 calories each day, you can lose around 500g a week. That’s 6kg in 12 weeks!

Here are 10 easy ways to sneak in some calorie-cutting magic, so you don’t have to try too hard or go hungry.

10 simple hacks to cut out the calories

1. Eating attentively

We often eat mindlessly while watching TV or working. But studies show that when you eat in front of the TV, you consume an extra 288 calories!

Researcher Leann Birch, who studied the link between childhood obesity and eating in front of the TV says the problem itself doesn’t come from the box but rather from when anyone eats without paying attention to the amount, the taste, etc.

Savor your food, chew slowly, and pay attention to your body’s hunger cues. You might be surprised at how much less you eat when you’re truly present while dining.

2. Get your groove on

Ever been in trouble for not being able to sit still? GOOD! Those who fidget throughout the day are said to burn 350 more calories than their sedentary counterparts.


Dancing is another great way that could see you burning up to 200 calories in just 30 minutes. So put some music on and don’t stop the moving.

3. Portion Control

Our eyes are often bigger than our stomachs. Instead of piling your plate high, use a smaller plate and focus on quality over quantity. You’ll still feel full without going overboard.

Speaking of portion, it’s also important to make sure you really know how much you’re having. For example, your peanut butter on toast in the morning could be adding as much as a sneaky 100 extra calories if you don’t know how much you’re using. Weighing food can be a pain at first but incredible when you realise how much you’re consuming.

4. Break up with bread

We know, We know… there really is nothing more satisfying than lathering fresh butter on a freshly toasted slice of white bread. But now it’s time to walk away from that relationship. Most white breads are void of significant nutritional value and two slices of white bread equates to 133 calories.

Sliced bread on white surface.

This certainly doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy bread! Just make sure you’re going for something where the calories count and are providing good nutritional benefits. Check out these 7 best breads to eat and still lose weight.

5. Drink wisely

Knowing how to enjoy a glass of your favourite can go a long way in helping cut out calories. You can drink alcohol, but be smarter about it. Swap out sugary cocktails for a glass of wine or swap the soft drink with your spirits for a soda or sugar free option which will save you a good few cals!

Need some inspo when choosing your next bottle of vino for girls night? Here’s our pick of some of the Best Low Calorie Wines in Australia.

6. Don’t be so saucy!

Salads seem like a healthy choice, but creamy dressings can pack a hidden calorie punch. Opt for a simple vinaigrette or make your own with olive oil, lemon juice, and your favorite herbs. You can check out these 5 Totally Tasty (And Healthy) Salad Dressings or get creative and try coming up with your own!

Also consider the rest of your condiments. A dollop of mayo or tomato sauce might seem harmless, but those calories add up quickly. Try swapping for mustard or salsa for a flavour boost without the hidden calories.

7. Breakfast of Champions

Skip the sugary cereals and pastries. Try Greek yogurt with berries, wholemeal toast with avocado, or a veggie omelette. These options will keep you energised without the calorie overload. We have some great Healthy breakfast ideas no matter your taste to help you make smarter breakfast choices!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, giving you the sustenance you need to smash that never ending list of things to do. Going in for a high-protein breakfast will keep you feeling fuller for longer meaning you won’t be going for extra snacks, usually with a hit of sugar!

Not a breakfast person? Why not try one of our meal-replacement smoothies. Delicious, quick and convenient there is a reason so many mums rely on these for busy mornings!

8. Snack Makeover

Skip the chips and reach for air-popped popcorn, baby carrots with hummus, or a piece of fruit. These snacks are lower in calories and will keep you feeling satisfied until your next meal.

Whether you’re after something to satisfy that sweet tooth or you sit more on the salty side, there are so many options so you never have to feel you’re missing out! Here we’ve rounded up 35 of our mums favourite snacks to help you get started, or you can check out all the delicious, FREE snack recipes on our site here!

9. Put down your fork

Place down your knife and fork between each mouthful. This will slow down the speed at which you devour your meal. Therefore allowing your body the time to feel full and satisfied. A very simple but effective trick!

10. Make H20 your BFF

We all know staying hydrated is important, but did you know it can also help curb cravings? Sometimes thirst masquerades as hunger, so next time your stomach rumbles, chug a glass of water first. You might be surprised how satisfied you feel. If you’re someone who struggles to get their water uptake, you can check out these 15 ways to increase your water intake.

10 TIPS: How to drop your first 5kg

Remember, small changes add up to big results! By incorporating these easy tips into your routine, you can reach your weight loss goals without feeling like you’re on a restrictive diet.

Want to know more about how many calories you need to cut to lose weight every day?

Check out our BMR and BMI Calculator for more info.

Try our The Healthy Mummy Smoothies to help you cut back on calories


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