What this mum does when she DOESN’T feel like exercising

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Have you ever felt too tired to exercise? Want to feel the satisfaction of a great workout, but you’re exhausted before you even begin?

I think we’ve all been there. Rochelle Perera is a mum of six, and she says she definitely feels too exhausted to work out most of the time.

“I can say with great confidence that I have definitely been there,” she says. “But having said this, over the last 4 months I have succeeded in losing 25kgs through the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and so I want to share some of my ideas with you!”

What this mum does when she DOESN’T feel like exercising

“I combine exercise with something I have to do every day to hold myself accountable and ensure it gets done,” says Rochelle. “I love is doing the Challenge exercises with my children.

“I use them as my cheer squad, they encourage and motivate me to push through more and more levels in the challenge app. No matter how tired I am, when I have my children egging me on, I have all the strength I need to continue.”


How Rochelle includes workouts in her day:

1. Squatting with children

Rochelle says when she’s squatting she uses her little ones as weights and they love it just as much as she does.

2. Tricep dips

Rochelle says another great free exercise that will take you no time at all to do whilst playing outside with your little ones, even if you are tired, is tricep dips.

3. Reverse crunches


“Something I’m really enjoying in the garden is using my children’s swing set to do reverse crunches,” she says.

“I start in a push-up position with my hands on the ground and my feet resting in the seat of the swing, and my body forming a straight line from head to toe. I engage my core and pull my knees in toward my chest, bending at the hips and the knees as I draw the swing seat toward my body.

“I hold the position for a second, then reverse the movement and return to start. I have really noticed a difference in my core strength whilst doing these.”

4. Box jumps

Lastly, box jumps using a slide are a quick and fun workout that you can get done even whilst running on minimal energy.

“When exercising whilst tired, keep it short, simple and enjoyable, for anyone doing the Challenge I recommend Tabata as it’s perfectly repetitive so you don’t need to try and get your tired mind to go into overdrive trying to perform different exercises,” adds Rochelle.

“Remember that once you get started and those endorphins are released into your system there’s a good chance that you will be filled with energy- the very thing you lacked before you started!”

Rochelle’s 25kg weight loss story


Rochelle credits the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge for helping her stay on track of her weight and healthy eating habits.

“The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge has not only changed my life, but that of my family’s as well,” she says.

“It helped me through three high risk pregnancies, has aided in over 50kg* of combined weight loss – and that’s only accounting for my last two pregnancies.”

Rochelle says the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge gives her more time to be herself and get the most out of life.

“All the hard work is already done for me, meal plans, shopping lists – I even have my own personal trainer within the Challenge app,” she continues.

“Everything in it has been customised to meet the needs of myself and my family and each new challenge that comes is planned out with what’s best for my family in mind.

“It’s even helped me find calm in the chaos, and my family benefits from that. They need me at my best and that’s all I ever want to give them.”

Pay only $1 for 7 days on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge


If you are inspired by Rochelle’s before and after pics and want to take charge of your own health and weight – then join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY.

With more than 3,500 delicious (and healthy) recipes, 350 exercises & 24/7 support – the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is designed (and proven) to help busy mums like you lose weight!

WHAT’S MORE, we are offering a 7 day trial for ONLY $1 for first time users!

For more information on the 7 day trial, click here

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