How to get the most out of the 12 Week Challenge

Put simply, the 12 week challenge consists of following three conventional 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges in the Healthy Mummy App.
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If you are using the Healthy Mummy App you may have heard about the awesome 12 Week Challenge and want to know what it’s all about.

We offer three 12-week challenges a year, one each in the Summer, Autumn/Winter, and Spring. This way, our members can focus on their fitness and health goals during key seasons, when they’re most motivated.

The challenges are designed to be challenging but achievable, and we provide our members with all the tools and support they need to succeed. We also schedule a 28-day break between each challenge to allow our members to rest and recharge, and to prepare for the next challenge.

This is especially important during holiday seasons like Easter when it can be more difficult to stick to a fitness routine.

So if you’re looking for a challenge to help you reach your fitness and health goals, we encourage you to join one of our 12-week challenges! We know you’ll love it.

What is the 12 Week Challenge?

Put simply, the 12 week challenge consists of following three conventional 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges in the Healthy Mummy App.

For those taking part, they will pledge their 12 week goal, and along with receiving a free 12 Week Challenge Tool kit ebook, plus the chance to win a prize pack valued at $500!

They’ll also have access to a 12 Week Challenge Private Support Group on Facebook, where there will be weekly prizes drawn and where they can chat with other mums taking part in the 12 Week Challenge and get regular support emails.

The incredible women who between them have lost 129 kilos in JUST 12 weeks!

The results from previous 12 Week Challenges have been absolutely INCREDIBLE! Check them out here! 

Why 12 Weeks?

No matter what your goal, be it weight loss, body confidence or simply better health, 12 weeks is a great time frame to measure real results.

While you can expect to lose between 4 -6 kilos on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, committing to three challenges back to back will ensure that small but consistent lifestyle changes, will soon become healthy habits that turn into long-term results.

Check out our tips for losing weight in 12 weeks.

How do I take part in the 12 Week Challenge?

As you are already a member,  you are already included in the challenge and can actively take part any time in 3 simple steps.

You can also find all this information in the ‘MY OFFERS’ area in your account.

If you’re not yet a Healthy Mummy member you can sign up for the 12 Week Challenge here.

Get started with the 12 Week Challenge

Once you’ve decided to take the 12 Week Challenge, here’s what to do next.

1. Make your pledge.

This is your goal for the 12 weeks. What do you want to achieve?

It could be a particular number of kilos you want to lose or simply committing to getting the most out of the Healthy Mummy App, or a Non-Scale Victory like a getting back into your favourite dress.

Whatever it is, making a pledge will help you focus on exactly what you want to achieve and will help keep you on track with something to look towards.

Make your Pledge HERE, copy it and save it. You can also write it down in your 12 Week Tool Kit.

Once you enter your pledge you will receive a welcome email, confirming you have joined the challenge!

You can also see the email HERE.

2. Download your Free 12 Week Tool Kit

This is an eBook  jammed with everything you need to set your goals, stay motivated and get RESULTS.

This is a step by step guide with all the tools you need to achieve your weight-loss goals in just 12 weeks.

You will be sent your 12 Week Tool Kit with your order confirmation email. You can also find it in the ‘LATEST INFO’ area in your account.

3. Join the 12 Week Challenge Private Support Group

This is a private group where you can talk to other members on the 12 week challenge and get NON STOP motivation and accountability to keep you on track.

Previous 12 week challenge members have found this an invaluable part of completing the 12 weeks, as other mums support, tips, and motivation have kept their goals firmly in sight.

Join the 12 week Private Support Group here.

Still, have questions about the 12 Week Challenge? 12 Week Challenge FAQs

Q. Do I need to be a Healthy Mummy app member to join?

A. Yes you do – and we have a super special on here.

Q. Do I need to make a pledge?

A. Yes so you can be entered into the competition and so you can be accountable and state your goal. Make your pledge here.

Q. Is there a specific 12 Week Challenge Support Group?

A. Yes and you will be sent the link once you join.

Q. I am a Healthy Mummy app member – how do I take part?

A. Easy! Go to your My account area and under LATEST INFO all information is there – you can also make your pledge here and be sent details via email.

Q. Will there be prize at the end of the 12 weeks?

A. Yes – there is a prize given to a mum at the end of the 12 weeks.

Q. I have joined but can’t find my 12 Week Tool Kit?

A. It is sent on your email order confirmation when you join – plus it is also in your My Account area under LATEST INFO once you become a Healthy Mummy app member.

Q. Can I see results from mums on the last 12 Week Challenge?

A. Yes – see them here

Good luck to everyone taking part! We can’t wait to see you SMASH YOUR GOALS!!!

Mums smash their 12 Week Challenge goals

If you need some more inspiration, check out some of the incredible results from the last 12 Week Challenge Summer 2024!

Gemma Corey

“Disappointingly I didn’t lose any weight! But I definitely kicked some goals!!!”

Amy Melillo

Amy has amazed us with over 20kg weight loss doing a few different 12 week challenges.

Mel Timbs

“Even though it’s been slow progress, I still managed to drop 4 kilos and 6cm around my body. Still feeling positive as I am down from my starting weight. I have also been going to the gym and working out more!”

Tahnee Anderson

Tahnee has lost 9kg doing the Summer 12 week challenge.

Rebeca Wright

“The 12 week challenge is nearly over ladies! I transitioned from weighing 81.3kg to now being at a weight of 73.8kg; however, there is still much more progress that can be achieved but this time my mindset has changed and made me enjoy the Healthy Mummy lifestyle more.” March 2024.

kickstarter challenge

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