These inspirational Motivating Mums will keep you on track on the 12 Week Challenge!
The Healthy Mummy 12 Week Challenge has begun! The 12 Week Challenge is for mums who want that extra bit of motivation and accountability. It consists of following three conventional 28 Day Challenges, with access to a 12 week Private Support Group to chat with other mums also taking part in the 12 Week Challenge.
It’s not too late to join either! To find out what you need to know click here.
Meet your 12 Week Challenge Motivating Mums
In the 12 Week Challenge Private Support Group, these incredible women will be on hand to encourage, support and motivate you to smash your health and weight loss goals! Most of these mums completed the last 12 Week Challenge and had amazing results! Having done the challenge before, and doing one for a second time, they will be with you every step of the way sharing their tips to get the most of the challenge. Meet these mums and find out their goals and tips for the first month of the challenge!
Meet Crystal-Joy McGuire – 12 Week Challenge Results 11.1kg
“Hi, I’m Crystal-Joy… I’m 35 from Yamba NSW and I have a 2 yr old son.Since starting the Healthy Mummy in May 2021 I have lost 11.4kgs and 13cm from my waist. I have so much more energy, I’m a lot happier and my mental health is so much better. I absolutely love my Healthy Mummy smoothies, I have them for breakfast and lunchMy favourite meal is the stovetop lasagna and my favourite snack are the pizza scroll, caramel slice and the coconut browniesMy goal for this 12 week challenge is to lose another 10kgs.My reason for doing the Healthy Mummy and the challenge is my son. He needs a healthy, fit mummy to keep up with him and I don’t want to be an embarrassment to him.”
Crystals 3 tips
- Have a PLAN… plan your week including your meal plan.
- PREPARE… meal prep snacks and meals.
- And if you feel like giving up stop take a breath… readjust if needed and then keep going…/li>
“I can’t wait to get going in the challenge, let’s smash it mummy’s”
Kirsty Whitehead – 12 Week Challenge Results 18.5 kgs
“Hello, my name is Kirsty I am a newly 40 year old, I am a wifey and a Mum to 5 cherubs (4,5,13,17 & 24) ohh and lets not forget a new grandma. I live down south in SA so I have beautiful beaches at my finger tips and love it. I have had an off n on again relationship with the Healthy Mummy since 2015. This time I started in 2020 and have been determined and committed since then in changing my entire life style. I have lost 41 kilos to date and 18.5 of them was in the last 12 week challenge. Physically I am stronger and fitter, emotionally I can say the same and so much more positive. My mindset is determined to keep my commitment to myself and keep putting my health and needs first. I made a pledge that I would use the app to its fullest potential and to enjoy my journey and stress over what I cannot accomplish, rather focus on what I CAN.”“As a result of this, I want to lose 15 kilos. I signed up for the 2nd challenge because I want to keep growing and having 12 weeks to be focused with like minded ladies is a great way to keep my motivation.”
Kirsty’s 3 tips on just getting started
- Make small changes, select 3 little things to work on throughout the week and these 3 things will add on to the next 3 and it will be less overwhelming.
- Use the app, record your NSV and when you are feeling discouraged it can be a great motivator.
- Use the groups and create a village. It can be easier to overcome to tough times with like-minded ladies by your side that can be there to believe in you when you are learning to believe in yourself.
Kirsty’s 3 tips on not giving up
- Make a commitment to yourself and remind yourself of your commitment and that you are important.
- Create a motivation board and put it in a place you can see it often. make sure it has your favourite quotes in them
find a goal outfit, something you can try on and physically see the differences because at times the scales can be deceiving.
See more of Kirsty’s story here
Cassie Thompson – 12 week Challenge Results 7.5 kgs
“Hi Everyone, my name is Cassie. I am 35 and mum of four.
I have been with the Healthy Mummy since 2020 but only started my journey with healthy mummy after having my fourth bub. My journey started with the Healthy Mummy first 12 week challenge. In this challenge I lost 7.5 kilos and 49.5 cm. But I found a lot more from healthy food recipes, smoothie, energy and motivation but best of all the support from Healthy Mummy team to get me through my journey.
For this 12 week challenge my main goal is to be consistent and continue to become healthier and stronger.”
“With the Healthy Mummy I have gained :
- Confidence
- Happiness
- Energy
- Self care
Cassie’s Top Tips
- Keep it simple. Start small in changing your habits and they will stick.
- Set small goals to get to your main goal. Reward as you go.
- Take one day at a time. Thing don’t change over night but will change over time.
“We have all got this. Let’s go.”
Brooke Boulden – 12 Week Challenge Results 4 kgs
“Hello Healthy Mummies. My name is Brooke. I am 30 years old, married with two boys aged 4 and 2 years and live on Kangaroo Island in South Australia.I have been a member of The Healthy Mummy since 2017 but kicked my healthy living journey into gear in 2019. I have since lost 25kgs but mostly regained my confidence, strength and energy. I have seen many benefits from joining The Healthy Mummy. My most valued is I now have the energy and strength to keep up with my busy busy busy boys. I can easily join in on their crazy fun, which feels me with so much joy.I want to use this 12 Week Challenge to tone up, feel confident in a bikini this summer (I haven’t felt this way since before puberty) and MOSTLY focus on my mental health.The last 12 Week Challenge I was heavily focused on weight. I’m at the end of my weight loss, so trying to kick those last few kilos was hard, exhausting work. I didn’t get the number I wanted. But I got super close. I have learned I was too focused on a number. So, this 12WC I am doing it for my mental health, to base my progress on how I feel and enjoy myself.”
Brooks 3 tips for getting started
- Our progress is all about our choices. You won’t be motivated everyday. But each day you can make a choice to be committed. Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Disciple in hard. Regret is hard. Change is hard. Not changing is hard. Choose your hard. It is worth it.
- Make changes that are realistic for you. One each day or week. HM is about lifestyle change not short term change. Find your groove. Celebrate your victories (scale and non scale). Tailor your meal and exercise plan to fit your life. The app is full of so many options.
- Reach out and communicate. This group of women are here to support you and lift you up. If you need help, ask.
Jemma Probert 12 Week Challenge Results 5.7kgs
“Hi, I’m 29 years old and live on a cattle station in Rolleston CQ I have a 10 year old son.I have lost 6.2kg and 41 cm on the Healthy Mummy I started just in time for the first 12 week challenge this year signed up in FebruaryI want to lose my last 5kgs to reach a total weight loss of 40kgs. This last 10kgs has been the hardest I don’t want to stop at 5kg but that’s a huge achievement for me to reach 40kgI have become more physical more confident and a way better cook since starting the Healthy Mummy. I joined the challenge because I want to feel good about myself it’s been such a long time since I have felt proud and confident and having mums going through the same thing and all supporting each other it’s the greatest motivation.”
Jemma’s Tips
- give it a go what do you have to lose?
- This is not a diet it’s a lifestyle and it’s something the whole family can do together
Candy Warburton – 12 week Challenge Results 9.8 kgs
“Hi everyone I’m Candy I’m 40 years young. I’m a busy mum for to four boys 20,18, 13, 9 years old.
Candy’ Helpful tips
- Plan and prep meals ahead of time if you can this helps having things in the freezer for those busy can’t be bothered kind of days.
- Drink your water intake,I filled up a jug of 2 L and made a mental note that I had to finish it each day water was my biggest challenge so every time I ate I had a cup of water as well.
- It’s okay to put yourself first it can be challenging to do so but you and your family will thank you later on.
- Measure weigh take photos each week on the same day around the same time this will show you sometimes what the scales do not.
- Use your app 100% it’ll become your best friend.
- Make realistic goals that are achievable this helps you stay motivated.
- Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t know what you’re doing or you need advice we are all in the same boat and all happy to help.
- If you feel like giving up don’t. I’m always happy to inbox just get back and keep going we all lose our way and you’ll feel much better continuing than quitting. It’s not failing it’s called learning.
“My Favourite Healthy Mummy foods are: Weet-Bix slice and balls, White chocolate apricots slice, Mexican lasagne, Taco beans, Superfood rocky road (pictured).”
Candy’ pledges for this challenge:
- Be more food organised.
- To get to my goal weight the last little bit is very hard to lose.
- To learn to incorporate exercise into my everyday life.
- To inspire and help all those beautiful women out there to be the best they can be.
Shannon O’Malley 12 Week Challenge Results 12.5 kgs
“My name is Shannon O’Malley and I am a 33 year old from Adelaide. I am a mum to 2 beautiful, and very busy boys that are 3 and 4 years old.I have been following the Healthy Mummy plan now for 15 weeks and in this time have lost 14.8kg.My goals for this 12 week challenge:
- To move my body every day – I have really nailed the healthy eating over the last 15 weeks, but I really want to push myself to improve my fitness.
- To drink more water – at least 6 cups a day.
- To really focus on loving my body and the positive ways in which it is changing.
“Obviously, losing almost 15kg has resulted in a big physical change but I also have so much more energy and I can honestly say that I am a brighter, happier person!I have two main reasons for doing the challenge.”
- I want to improve my fitness to run around with my boys and be the best role model I can for them.
- I want to be the best version of myself – I have spent so many years uncomfortable in my own skin and it is time to prioritise my needs too.
Shannon 3 Tips on how to keep going when you feel like giving up
- Remember your WHY – Take a minute to think about your reasons for making this positive change in your life and remember why it is so important.
- Reach out to the Healthy Mummy community – These pages are full of women who have had their own challenges and are full of advice and support
- Remember that tomorrow is a new day – If you didn’t achieve what you set out to today, that is okay, you can start fresh tomorrow.
Angie Shannon
“My name is Angie Shannon, I’m a 24 year old Mum from Dubbo NSW with 3 kids Harrison aged 4.5, Leah is turning 3 and Lachlan just shy of 6 months.After the birth of my first born I went on to lose just shy of 15kg with the Healthy Mummy. I then fell pregnant with our second bub and had a healthy mummy pregnancy and went on to lose another 10kg and maintained that before we planned our third baby.I’m now on my third healthy mummy journey and it’s a slow run but I’m down 3.5kg so far and ready to smash out another 17kg on this amazing journey.My goals for this challenge is to stay super consistent. Remember my reason why I want to do this, for better health, to feel less sluggish and to have more energy and to shed the unwanted baby weight I gained.I’ve been following the healthy mummy for 4 years now and I will never go back to any other way of living. I love the program and I love the amazing benefits of using the healthy mummy program for the whole family. We have quick, convenient options at the tap of a button and there’s no excuses because the healthy mummy has nearly any recipe you can think of. Our family are more active thanks to the healthy mummy program and we all love the wonderful app exercises and the meals.I’m doing this challenge because I want to find my happy place again. I loved being fit and healthy and that’s what I’m striving for, to feel healthy and strong again! I’m starting my journey all over again and I know I can do this!! I also have my wedding coming up in March 2022 and I’d love to look and feel amazing.”
Angie’s 3 top tips
- Start simple! Add some more water, swap an unhealthy snack for a healthy one and find a healthy alternative to a fav naughty meal.
- I’d also say remember why you’re here and think of your goals. If you want to exercise do something you love like dancing or jumping on the trampoline with the kids, it doesn’t need to be hard.
- Take it one single day at a time. If you fall down or have something not so great just remember it won’t undo all your hard work and you can do this, we’ve got this!!
“My favourite meal would be the Mexican chicken pie… if you haven’t tried it go ahead and try it.”
Melissa McGlone
“Hi everyone I am Melissa McGlone. I am 34 years young. I have 3 beautiful boys 14, 8 and 7 and a husband. I live in South East regional Queensland.Kumbia.I have been with Healthy Mummy for 3 years now and have lost a total of 9kgs. My journey has been a bit of a roller coaster when comes to the scales. But I have lost a lot of centimetres over 30cm which I am just so happy about.I have gone from a size 14 to a 12.”
- I have gained confidence to leave my house.
- I have gained strength
- I have reduced my depression.
- I have gain support from Healthy Mummy.
“My WHY for this 12 week challenge is to became summer body ready. I would love to be able wear a bikini on the beach and be confident in myself.”
Melissa’s Top Tips
- Take before and after photos. And take measurements. The scales don’t always move. (ESP for me.I am very chest heavy)
- Use the Healthy Mummy App and support Facebook pages. They are great for Motivating. And for learning. So much information. Talk to other Mums on the Facebook page we all in this together and are more then happy to help.
- Take your workouts outside. Get out of the house. Go the park. Or stay in your yard. Change it up abit.
- Don’t go too fast at the beginning, don’t burn yourself out. Steady. Make small changes and work your way up.
“Use the Healthy Mummy Smoothies,they are so yummy. Such a treat when you are following meal plans.They fast and easy to make. Add extra to your taste. Or try all the different flavours too. There are so many different recipes in the app for smoothies. I have a smoothie every morning.Can’t wait to follow all your journeys. Here if you need someone to talk to or some help. Good luck. You have got this!! To a new you in 12 weeks.”
For more information and to join the next 12 Week Challenge – – find our budget offer to join here!
Join us on our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY
Want to shift your baby weight but feel like you have NO TIME in your day to exercise and eat healthily? That’s where the Healthy Mummy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge can help.
Our Challenge entails:
- 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
- Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
- Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
- Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
- Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels.
- Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes.
To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here