How you can actually KEEP your New Year’s resolutions

How can you ensure you actually keep on track of your New Year's goals rather than falling off the wagon come February? By thinking SMART, that's how.
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As the Christmas decorations come down, the New Year’s resolution lists fill up.

So how can you ensure you actually keep on track with your goals rather than falling off the wagon come February?

By thinking SMART, getting a partner in resolution, accept bad days and more…read our tips below to stay on track with your new year’s resolutions.

6 tips to help you keep your new year’s resolutions


Goals don’t have to be huge. In fact, the smaller they are, the better chance you have of actually keeping them. A good way to stay on track is by making SMART goals. Here’s what we mean:

  • Specific – Set goals that state exactly what you want to accomplish.
  • Measurable – Make sure these goals can be measured (not necessarily by scales).
  • Attainable – Set achievable goals.
  • Realistic – Make sure your goals match your lifestyle. If you have three kids, a full-time job and very little downtime, training for an Ironman may be a little tricky.
  • Time Framed – Set mini goals (daily and weekly) to help keep you on track.

Find a partner for resolution success

Having a good support system is so essential when it comes to reaching your target. That’s one of the reasons The Healthy Mummy has worked for countless mums.

We have support groups around the country to offer inspiration and motivation when the couch and the chocolate is calling.

Accept you’re going to have bad days

You can’t be perfect all of the time and you really cannot expect your situation to be perfect either. Things happen that can steer you off track and that’s perfectly okay.

These minor setbacks are all part of the journey. As long as you are making steps in the right direction, then that’s what counts.


Use visual aids

Visual aids not only keep you organised, but they can also show you how far you’ve come. A calendar, a spreadsheet or a diary can all give you the motivation to keep on track.

Create a weight loss motivation board in 7 easy steps

Figure out the cues

Breaking unhealthy lifestyle choices is all about getting out of routine. And bad habits are hard to break. Before you can actually succeed in breaking a bad habit, you need to uncover these cues; the triggers and stresses that result in the habit.

Once you have these triggers figured out, you can embed different cues during those times. For example, anytime you have a craving for something unhealthy, do 10 squats instead. In time, your body will start to associate these new cues. And your butt will look amazeballs.

Take it one step at a time

Start small. Start with one challenge. Our 28 Day Challenges are easy to follow and can be completed in just four weeks. 28 Days is attainable right?

And it could be just the push you need to prove that, yes, you can do it. And yes, you can stick to it.

kickstarter challenge

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