Samara’s rocking her bikini body after losing 17kg!

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Samara’s lost a total of 17kgs with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and her countdown to summer has begun and she’s ready to rock her bikini with confidence (as we all should)!


Samara had been hiding out a bit as she had put on 3kgs and was feeling uncomfortable.  It’s not a problem though as she know’s it’s ok to take a little break sometimes and that she can get back to where she wants to be in no time with healthy eating and exercise with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

So she shifted her mindset and got back into her healthy meal plans and workouts from The Healthy Mummy app.

Samara says, “How silly of me! In less than two weeks, I’ve lost 1.5 of those kilos. I tried my bikini on today and I’m super proud of what I see!!”

Samara’s tips for getting started

“Start Now! There is no need to wait for a new day, new week or new month.”

“Give yourself a three hour reset rule – used responsibly of course.” 

“Every 3 hours, allow yourself to restart. No need to wait for Monday! If you have had a sneaky treat, don’t write off the rest of your day or week,” says Samara.

“Every 3 hours,  drink a glass of water and make sure your next meal or snack is a smart choice.”

“When it comes to binge watching Netflix, jump on the treadmill, squat it out, or just move your body in some way while you watch. No more Netflix guilt!”


Samara’s Top Tip

“Take your time and ease your way into the changes. Start by preparing some snacks for the week. Then, the following week, up that to some snacks and a meal to add to your freezer stash!”

Check out Samara’s tips for getting started

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