Simple changes Chelsea (who’s lost 60kg) made when the scales didn’t move

Chelsea Dickson has lost over 60kgs with The Healthy Mummy in just 14 months and she's been maintaining her weight for 16 months.
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Chelsea Dickson has lost over 60kgs with The Healthy Mummy in just 14 months and she’s been maintaining her weight for 16 months using The Healthy Mummy app!

“I started my journey with a thyroid issue which has been resolved through weight loss and eating healthier over time,” she says.

“The benefits of signing up to The Healthy Mummy are endless, I have gone from a couch mum to a beach mum, from not ever wanting to do anything because I just didn’t have the energy to now being spontaneous taking family trips, but most of all I’m happy within my own skin.”

Simple changes Chelsea (who's lost 60kg) made when the scales didn't move

How Chelsea lost 60kg and what she does when the scales don’t move

The mum-of-four admits that the pandemic did throw her off course for a bit but she managed to stay on track.

“I live in Queensland so it hasn’t been as bad for me as others but keeping things organised prepared has been helpful when things were closed or limited in shops as it meant I didn’t need anything,” she says.

Simple changes Chelsea (who's lost 60kg) made when the scales didn't move

Chelsea’s top tips for success are:

  • Small sustainable changes, I’m all about slowly converting & making it your new normal.
  • Don’t punish yourself for any of the choices we make, own it reset & move forward…
  • Find an exercise you love an exercise you enjoy to make it a lifelong choice..
  • Goals always having goals in place big goals with smart goals to get you to the bigger goal at the end…

What Chelsea does when the scales stopped moving

Recalculate your BMR as you lose weight, as you may not be eating enough

Simple changes Chelsea (who's lost 60kg) made when the scales didn't move

Times when the scales stopped moving I had to work out why majority of the time it was not eating enough to my exercise so recalculating my bar or my body was comfortable so changing up what I was eating helped.”

Look at your clothes not the scales

Simple changes Chelsea (who's lost 60kg) made when the scales didn't move

“My best motivator for when the scale didn’t move was clothes. If they are getting baggier then you are losing weight.”

Set goals and stick to them and keep moving

Simple changes Chelsea (who's lost 60kg) made when the scales didn't move

“I wouldn’t say I’m always motivated but I am driven by my goals and that’s what makes me look motivated, I don’t always like getting up early, I don’t always enjoy the workout but I am one step closer to where I want to be and that’s my motivation.”

Keep it simple

Simple changes Chelsea (who's lost 60kg) made when the scales didn't move

“When you feel like giving up or things are too hard my advice is strip it back keep it simple don’t overcomplicate things find the triggers that are making you feel this way, just always do your best some days are easier than others but work on making it apart of your normal.”

“For me when the scales didn’t move I was absolutely shattered I had put in 110% I needed to work out why, so I recalculated my BMR and shifted my focus to clothing (measurements) rather than only using scales but still trusting the process knowing that by following The Healthy Mummy the scales would start moving again,” she says.

Add different workouts into your routine

Simple changes Chelsea (who's lost 60kg) made when the scales didn't move

“I absolutely love The Healthy Mummy app workouts my favourite are the Tabata with Laura, the take 10, express boxing but I’m really excited about the long play workouts.”

Chelsea’s favourite meals from The Healthy Mummy app

My top recipes are:

Simple changes Chelsea (who's lost 60kg) made when the scales didn't move

She adds, “When you think it’s impossible, just try. I never thought I’d be here but I’ve gone from a couch potato to an ultra runner and never in my life did I think this would even be achieved!”

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