The Healthy Mummy celebrates Body Confident mums in LONDON photo shoot

Six INCREDIBLE mums of different ages and sizes sizzle at The Healthy Mummy BODY CONFIDENCE photo shoot in London as part of World Healthy Mummy month.
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The Healthy Mummy is celebrating BODY CONFIDENCE across the world with a series of photo shoots in London, Sydney and New York!  Designed to unite mums of all ages and sizes from around the globe to live happy, healthy lives and be BODY CONFIDENT.

Rhian Allen, founder of the Syndey based Healthy Mummy weight loss empire, invited 6 incredible UK mums to join her in LONDON for a makeover and a day of celebration. Between them, they have lost nearly 110kg! And WOW they SIZZLED!


The London body confidence shoot is the last of three photo shoots taking place around the globe this month as part of World Healthy Mummy month.

Congratulations to these incredible women. Read their inspiring stories below!

Exhausted mum of twins Becki, TRIPLED her ENERGY and lost 19kg

Becki says “I love my Healthy Mummy journey. It’s become part of my everyday life now. I’ve gone from exhausted and not wanting to get off the sofa to running 10k.”

She started The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges just after having twins and with a toddler in tow. The multiple pregnancies had taken a toll on her body.

I had zero energy and exercise was the last thing on my mind. Even walking up the stairs was difficult. My body shape had changed after the twins and all I wanted to do was cover it up with the biggest clothes I could find.


The Healthy Mummy has changed all that. My energy has tripled and this mirrors my confidence.

I’m now confident enough to start enjoying fun activities with my family again rather than sitting on the sidelines.

My whole family have enjoyed being more active and have developed an appetite for wholesome foods”.

Trying to be the best mum I can, keeps me motivated. I figure to be healthy, it’s now or never.”


Becki says “My biggest None Scale Victory to date is I COMPLETED a 10K alone!  Way to go Becki!

A photo inspired 41 year old Tracey to change her life. She’s now down 5 dress sizes!

Single mum-of-2 Tracey Bentley from the UK is the lightest, fittest and healthiest she’s been for over 12 years.

After being photographed during a fun night out where Tracey felt she was looking good, she was shocked at what she saw. “I felt awful” she said.

“I always thought because I was tall I could get away with being heavier but then the weight just kept piling on” says Tracey.

At 41 years old Tracey’s body and health was starting to deteriorate. With a BMI in the obese category and issues with her gall bladder. She says “I was getting older and my body was just falling apart. I just thought my body would always be this shape.

The Healthy Mummy has helped me so much that I can’t even put it into words”.


I wouldn’t be here now, lighter than pre-pregnancy weight over 12 years ago and feeling healthier than I ever, without the help of the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and the awesome support from the Healthy Mummy private Facebook support group.

“It’s still mind boggling how eating such great delicious food can help you lose weight but it does actually work”

It’s not just Tracey who has benefitted from following The Healthy Mummy lifestyle, her two kids love it too!

They are both on-board for helping me become a healthier happier mum and love the new recipes we have found so far. It’s great that my kids are wanting to try new recipes. The Healthy Mummy has helped to make my son more aware of his own health. He’s only 11 and still carrying his ‘puppyfat’ but he has the physique of a rugby player. My daughter is using the recipe hub to help her with her food tech lessons!”

Mum-of-2 Alexandra is now rocking a size 10 and has learned to love her body again

Alexandra, aged 28, is a busy mum from West Yorkshire in the UK and has lost over 15 kg since January following the Healthy Mummy 28 day Weight Loss Challenges!

She says “I have two little monkeys, I’m still breastfeeding my youngest who is eight months and my other one is nearly three years old. I was really not happy with the way I looked and I refused to buy size 16 clothes and nothing fitted me anymore. Now I’m a size 10!

Alexandra says joining The Healthy Mummy almost instantly changed her mindset towards food and her body “I’ve learned to love my body again’.


I exercise regularly and even on my rest days I’m so full of energy I always squeeze in some squats and lunges!! It helped me to fall in love with running which I never thought would happen. It’s changed my mindset, my relationship with food and my mentality towards exercising. I don’t even feel like I’m making an effort anymore to “stay of track”

“I’ve loved every minute of my Healthy Mummy Journey.”

“I’ll honestly be forever grateful to The Healthy Mummy just for giving me the guidance and help I needed to succeed in healthy living. I feel great in my body already even though I still have another half a stone or so to lose”.

Mum-of-3 Laura has lost 25.4kg and is now training to be a firefighter!!

Laura 34, is a busy working mum of 3 with kids aged 4, 2 and 1. She has lost 25.4kg following The Healthy Mummy and gone from maternity size 14/16 to an 8-10.

Laura says “I had 3 babies in under 3 and a half years. My body was so broken I didn’t even recognise it by the time baby number 3 was born. I struggled to feed myself, let alone the family, I had no energy and existed on biscuits and white carbs.

Without her realising it, Laura’s weight had crept up to 82.5kg. “I’ve been just under 57kg my entire adolescence and adult life until having babies and whilst I’d never change having my gorgeous children, I didn’t feel or look like ‘me’ anymore.”

Laura stumbled across The Healthy Mummy on Facebook and decided to give it a go by following a few recipes and postnatal videos. Now she follows all the meal plans and does 2 – 3 videos on the App a day.


I’m now 59 kg and training to be a firefighter! I’m the fittest I’ve ever been and I’ve taken up running. The wonderful Healthy Mummy Facebook support group encouraged me to do the Couch to 5k course.

“I’ve just done my first 5k and I’m now active, fit and healthy”

I am very very thankful that The Healthy Mummy came into my life when it did.

It’s not punitive, I’ve never felt shamed – even at my biggest – in fact, I feel like an empowered strong woman.

And I feel that the Healthy Mummy Facebook support group helps me to give back and pay it forward to inspire more women.

The Healthy Mummy is about a lifestyle of strength, self-respect, self-love, and becoming healthy through empowering lifestyle choices. It’s an antidote to the toxic narrative around women’s bodies, especially post-baby bodies”.

After losing 15.8kg, mum-of-4 Nashara has totally changed her outlook on life!

Nashara, aged 32, is a proud mum of four kids, ages 12, 9 ,2 and 10 months old. Originally from sunny Jamaica, then Florida, and now residing in Essex in the UK,  she has lost 15.8kg with The Healthy Mummy.

She says “Since starting The Healthy Mummy it has changed my outlook on life, to me it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change.

I started doing Healthy Mummy at first because I was at the lowest point in my life…my confidence was non-existent and my weight was skyrocketing.

I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror without a feeling of disgust and failure. 

Since starting Healthy Mummy I am more confident and I’m learning to love the skin I am in.”


Nashara has been following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and finds it super easy to follow. “I am now eating healthier and I love to exercise because it makes me feel good and I’m ready to tackle any day.

I was a member of a gym but I no longer had any use for it because I was unable to find the time to attend with 2 young kids under 3 years. Instead, I can use the Healthy Mummy 28 Day Challenge App for as little a 5 minutes and even longer if I have extra time”.

“Real mums… real results I just love it. The support from the Mums from the Healthy Mummy group has been amazing.”

Hellevi’s wedding dress fits better after two kids than it did on her wedding day


Busy mum of two from Scotland joined the Healthy Mummy in May 2018 and so far she has lost 16.5kg.

She says “Before having kids my weight would fluctuate like the stock market. Now after two kids and thanks to The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges I’d say I’m probably the fittest and healthiest I’ve ever been in my whole adult life.”

Hellevi joined The Healthy Mummy in May 2018 a few weeks after she’d had her second baby.

I was the heaviest I’d ever been and deeply unhappy about the way I looked. I wanted to lose weight but really had no idea where to start.

The beginning of my Healthy Mummy journey was slightly overwhelming, but thanks to the amazing Healthy Mummy Facebook support group and the fact that there were so many ordinary mums like me achieving amazing results, my faith in myself grew and negative thoughts turned positive”.

“I have found balance in my life and have become the person I always wanted to be.”

Hellevi thinks transforming her life with The Healthy Mummy has not only changed her physically but mentally and physically too.

I feel stronger mentally and physically and good about myself and my life.

I went from hiding away to saying yes to all sorts of new experiences and opportunities. 

Hellevi says “After having had 2 kids my dress fits even better than it did on my wedding day!”

We think you all look absolutely incredible! Congratulations to you all!

Are you ready to become a Healthy Mummy?

Challenge generic

If you are wanting to lose weight and improve your energy – not to mention – help improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out.

Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge includes:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans (including 7 Day Cleanse)
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!

To learn more about our 28 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE CLICK HERE or purchase our Smoothies.


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