6 exercises you can do with the kids by your side

Feel like you don't have time to exercise? Why not get your kids involved and try these 6 exercises with your kids to stay fit and on track.
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Here at The Healthy Mummy, we’re mums – just like you. We know that you don’t have a spare hour each day to set aside for exercise. You probably don’t have half an hour either, truth be told.

We understand that even if you find time to work out at home, you’ll probably have little people at your feet wanting to join in.

With that in mind, we spoke to fit and fabulous mum of two, Leah Romiti, about how she fits her workouts in at home with her two little boys by her side.

Leah Collage

6 exercises you can do with the kids by your side

Leah says, “Like all mums, I am BUSY! Some days it seems like there’s no time for exercise but there is always a spare 5-10 minutes to get your body moving.

“I have two very energetic boys who are with me almost every day… ALL day! I have learnt that the best way to get my workouts in is to include my boys in what I do.

“Also, our kids love to mimic our behaviour – so why not start their passion for exercise as early as you can?”

We agree with Leah! With hard work and dedication to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, Leah has lost 17kg and feels fitter and stronger than ever.

Here are some of her favourite ways to exercise at home, including her boys in the workout so that she has zero excuses not to squeeze in her training.

If you can find a spare 5-10 minutes anytime throughout the day, try one of these ideas out for yourself.

1. Tabata


The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge App has INCREDIBLE Tabata workout videos – yippee!  

Tabata is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, featuring exercises that last four minutes. It incorporates a warm up and uses full-body exercises that engage as many muscle groups as possible.

It is FUN, smashes the calories and leaves no time for boredom! Find out more HERE.

“My boys and I have recently started doing Tabata workouts together. These fun and fast HIIT workouts are perfect because they only take four minutes which holds the boys attention,” reveals Leah.

“I like to do the advanced option while they will do the beginner. They love it when we need to hold a ball or similar in the exercises!

“Tabata is also great because it can be done in the comfort of your own home.”

2. DanceFit


If you haven’t tried DanceFit yet, you’re in for a treat. It’s an extension to the exercises on our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and has proven to be VERY popular.

Leah says, “DanceFit is SO much fun and a great way to burn calories. My boys and I love dancing around the lounge room together, often in our pyjamas!

“It’s easy to follow and it only takes 10 minutes. They will often choose their favourite songs to work out to which makes it even more enjoyable for them.”

3. Trampoline


If your pelvic floor is up to it, a few minutes on the trampoline in the garden is a fun and easy way to exercise. And the kids will LOVE having you on there with them.

Leah says, “Jumping on the trampoline is a fantastic form of exercise and so much fun too.

“Jumping around on the trampoline provides a full body workout. It is suitable for all ages and improves balance, agility and coordination.”

Not only is it good for fitness, but Leah says that it is also a terrific stress-buster. And us mums need that in our lives!

4. Box jumps

Box Jumps

Basically, this exercise involves jumping up on to a box, step, low wall or whatever item of suitable height you have on hand.

Over time, you will be able to build up your fitness and get higher and higher, but at first you could start with something low down until you get used to it.

“Box jumps are one of my favourite exercises. They’re an amazing calorie burner and they help to increase your strength and muscle tone,” Leah shares. 

“This exercise can be a little daunting! I started off at a low height and as my confidence grew I began jumping higher.

“This is a fun one to do with your kids because kids LOVE to jump! Generally, I will jump up onto the box (or something similar) and my boys will climb up and jump down!

Lots of fun and laughs with this exercise.”

5. Partner exercises

Partner Exercises

How adorable is this? Using your child as your workout partner is a great way to train and play at the same time. The kids will love being your buddy, and they’ll get to enjoy some mummy time as well as exercising.

Leah says, “My five-year-old and I love to do partner exercises together. It is so much fun and it’s a great way to encourage each other.

“We turn the exercises into counting games, word games and guessing games.

“One of our favourites is a rotating ball exchange, back to back, passing the ball to each other. This is a great core workout.”

6. Walking or running


If you can incorporate some walks or runs into your day (with or without the kids) this is a great free way to get fit. Depending on the age of your children, you can try it with a carrier, a pram, or with kids on bikes/scooters.

Leah says, “There is nothing better than getting outside and going for a walk or run with your kids.

“I love to run alongside my boys as they scoot (but I also take the pram in case my three year old runs out of steam).

“We love exploring new places near our house, climbing stairs and getting our step counts up.”

Leah has been training hard and has gone from walks with the kids, to running solo. She does a regular Parkrun and has completed her first triathlon. Amazing!

Thanks Leah, we can see why you are looking and feeling so fit and fabulous. It’s so motivating to see how real mums fit exercise in (that doesn’t involve gym fees or childcare costs!).


When asked what she loves about this way of exercising, Leah admits, “I love that I am a role model for my boys. They see me exercising and they want to join in. They want to be like their Mummy.”

Being a positive role model for your kids in terms of food and exercise is something that we can all aim for as Healthy Mummies!

One final nugget of wisdom from Leah – “Include your kids as much as you can. Get moving, get active and be consistent.”

Join thousands of mums and get your weight loss journey started!


Join our community of supportive and motivating mums who will help you stay on track with your weight loss journey.

Kickstart your weight loss journey and join the next 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

You will get:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!

To join our next 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge – CLICK HERE.


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