Healthy Mummy Bec says “Ladies, Let’s Talk About The 3 Lifestyle Types!”
Bec Ashforth knows a thing or two about weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle after discovering the Healthy Mummy nearly 10 years ago. This amazing Mum of five completely transformed her life and went on to lose 55 kilos and has maintained it ever since.
Here she talks about living different lifestyles and how she manages to stay on track every day!
“Let’s talk lifestyle ladies. In my book, there are 3 sorts of lifestyle!”
1. The Crazy Fad Diet Style
“This is where everything is on point, every single moment in time. You are pushing to the max every single day with movement, while seriously restricting your calorie intake and food options. In other words, your life works around your meal and training plan. Painfully, you only get results if you’re lucky, and they are probably only temporary at that! Completely unsustainable long term. We have all tried this before right, you end up worse off than when you started, grumpy, tired and putting those KGs back on faster than you can say “fad diet”. You then end up so down on yourself, you probably head over and visit lifestyle 2.”
2. The F@!# It Style!
“Now, this is the standard that you default to on the hard days. You know the sad, the stressful, the special meal or the special day you give yourself because you have been kicking your own butt for weeks. After you were trying to or, were maintaining Standard Number 1, it’s like it’s your birthday for a week, with endless binging and self-loathing. It’s a roller coaster that ends in a massive downward spiral. Sometimes lasting days, if not weeks. Depending on how hard you are on yourself, or more to the point, how much restriction you were applying in Stage 1. It is the “I will start back on Monday” thing! But, it’s only Wednesday. Or, “I will start next month” but it’s only the 15th! You know I am talking truth. I too have been there. At one point I stopped checking my weight at 113kgs (and I am not tall either) and carried on with stage 2 for quite some time increasing that number on the scales!”
So how do you avoid lifestyles number 1 and 2? Well, that’s easy ladies. Go for lifestyle No. 3, do yourself a favor and start there and stay there! Because that, my friend, is where the magic happens!
3. The Optimal Style
“Now this ladies is the sweet spot, you want to be right here! Completely sustainable fits around your life and delivers long-term amazing results! I am living proof of that with a massive 55kg loss! This is what’s known in The Healthy Mummy world, as the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.”
“I am proud to say, I am a successful 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge member. I practice lifestyle No.3 day in and day out and like to call this “Staying Optimal”. I love the flexibility this gives me. It’s not a crazy gold standard of restrictive calories or skipping half the food groups every single day. It allows complete, amazing flexibility.”
“The key is to make the most optimal choice out of what’s available, every single time! This will make you happier enable you to live your life! A lifestyle that fits around you as opposed to you living life around a enforced lifestyle!! This is you living the very best lifestyle decided by you!So what does this optimal stage look like you may ask ?Well let me show you some of my favorite optimal picks from day to day life at our place.”
Bec’s Day on a Plate
“Breakfast is almost always a Healthy Mummy Smoothie for me, because to be totally honest, I am not a morning person! I have my hands full with making breakfast for 5 little people and I don’t really enjoy eating the second I open my eyes.”
“I am loving The Healthy Mummy Tummy Smoothies for their added probiotic benefits. Prior to my Healthy Mummy days, I would skip breakfast completely, and we all know how bad this is for us. Leaving your blood sugars super low with a sluggish metabolism, that has nothing to help fire it up for the morning. So, for me, having a Healthy Mummy Smoothie is most definitely the most optimal start to my day.”
Bec’s Snacks
“Next up is snack time, morning tea at our place is always a yummy, baked treat from the Healthy Mummy App. The current house-hold favorite is the Choc Chip Banana bread, its super easy to make and a fab serving size too. I home school my children but this would be amazing to pack in the lunch box. You can make it dairy free by replacing the choc chips with a dairy free version and the same for the butter. Super yum, to make it egg free use apple sauce or chia seeds.”
Bec’s Lunch
“Lunch time is another Healthy Mummy Smoothie for me and wraps for the children.There are so many lunch options in the app to suite every person in the home. If hubby is home, he will have the same. Once again, it’s fast, easy and optimal, I am loving all the new shake and go formulas with choc mint taking the leading spot so far, but I am loving them all.”
Bec’s Afternoon Tea
“Afternoon tea time is usually fruit and nuts or fruit and yoghurt, however, if we are out and about then it’s a Snack Bar to save the day. My entire family loves them, so I always keep a stash in my bag. So no one misses out.”
Bec’s Favourite Dinner
“Dinner time is always crazy at our place so I like to keep it nice and easy with nothing too fancy, if you have been around for a while or spotted me on TV, you will know our number one family favorite is the amazing Butter Chicken.”Healthy Mummy Bec appears on TODAY TONIGHT to share her incredible weight loss journey
Bec’s Evening Snack
“Now, I know it looks like we have been eating all day but, yes there is one more meal for the day, your night snack or desert and my all-time favorite for this is the perfecto hot chocolate from the app. Sooo sooo yummy, nice and warm, especially now we are heading in to the cooler nights. As it says in the name, it is perfect every time.”
The Healthy and ‘Livable’ Lifestyle
“So if you are sick of starting over and over again, jump on the Healthy Mummy App home to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and start making those optimal lifestyle choices and join me in acheiving some massive lifestyle goals the optimal way.”