Does exercise change when you’re over 45? Our trainer spills all
Your never too old or young in that fact to have a healthy active life.
When it comes to the over 45s, there is no need to stop working out altogether but there are changes you can make to ensure you’re being safe and still enjoying exercise!
From tricking your mind when exercising, to being kind to your body and enjoying exercise, Healthy Mummy trainer, Wendy shows the three ways over 45s can change their workouts.
Exercising over 45 years old isn’t boring
Getting into the right mindset to exercise can be tough for anyone. Wendy says a good habit to get into is it “train straight away before any excuses or life activities get in the way of your health as a priority.”
The key is to just do one thing and tick it off, for example, just train for 20mins per day – tick.
Exercises include meditation, low impact cardio HIIT training, and yoga or pilates.
It’s time to be kind to your body. Everyone wants to feel great in their body no matter what age and it’s all about lower impact to reduce future pain.
Wendy says that sometimes less is more and low impact exercises like pilates helps to create a stronger, leaner, more flexible body with rehabilitation exercises.
“Remember the saying ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’, this is so accurate when it comes to exercise. You will start to understand that when you are active, then your body will work more efficiently, your joints move more easily and your overall health will improve,” Wendy says.
To reduce injuries, Wendy says to choose exercises that are lower impact. Modify exercises to prevent injuries and mix up your workouts so your body doesn’t get used to the training and result in a plateau.
Exercises include Strengthening exercises (example below), and a brisk walk, always a great option with a child, pushing a pram, walking a dog or with a friend.
Start standing, pilates roll down, worm into a yoga downward facing dog position to stretch, then do one slow push-up and slowly transition into a Pilates back extension. Repeat backwards by pressing back up into a downward facing dog, then slowly roll back up to starting position. Repeat as slow as possible seven times.
Although hormones can start to kick in again and the 3pm tired slump shatters you more than ever, trust that exercise will create more energy for you.
It’s important here to choose workouts that you enjoy! Life is too short to be slogging it out in some activity you despise. Enjoying what you’re doing will also ensure you keep doing it, beaus you simply WANT to, not because you HAVE to.
Wendy says, “soul nurturing and self-preservation is definitely the key to feeling young as we are aging. Ensure that you have YOU time, to do what you want.”
Exercises include: Meditation is great for your soul to declutter your thoughts, relax and feel your coping mechanism is higher to deal with more life challenges that turn up.
These over 45 Healthy Mummy’s show that age is no barrier to losing weight and being fit.
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