67 Calorie Mojito Slushy Cocktail Recipe

Here’s a fabulous vodka mojito cocktail recipe that will go down a treat on Christmas Day – a Mojito Slushy!

This vodka mojito cocktail recipe is a low-calorie option, coming in at just 67 calories. Compare that to a creamy cocktail that could be around the 400 calorie mark, and you’ll see why it’s a better choice.

It’s an ideal cocktail to enjoy over Christmas – even if you are taking part in the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge over summer.

Our Festive Cookbook has loads of festive recipes (including recipes for more cocktails and mocktails). Get your FREE sample recipes here.

Mojito Slushy
mojito cocktail recipe

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67 Calorie Mojito Slushy Cocktail
67 Calorie Mojito Slushy Cocktail
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Course Drinks
  • 1 tbsp mint leaves plus extra to serve
  • 1/2 cup soda water
  • 2 tsp lime juice plus lime wedges to serve
  • 30 ml vodka
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes
Course Drinks
  • 1 tbsp mint leaves plus extra to serve
  • 1/2 cup soda water
  • 2 tsp lime juice plus lime wedges to serve
  • 30 ml vodka
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes
67 Calorie Mojito Slushy Cocktail
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  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blitz until ice is crushed
  2. Pour into a glass and serve with the extra mint and lime wedges
Recipe Notes

Recipe serves 1 at 67 calories per serve

If you love Christmas entertaining but don’t want to undo all of your hard work, check out our festive (and healthy) recipes in our Christmas Recipe Book. Get your free sample recipes from the book here.

Want more Healthy recipes like this mojito cocktail recipe? Check out the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge

This recipe from our  28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and is a yummy example of just SOME of the delicious, healthy and easy to make snacks and meals you can tuck in to.  

With over 4,500 recipes to choose from our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge helps you eat well (and deliciously) with ease and while losing weight Start your Healthy Mummy Journey Today.

You can learn more about our Challenge HERE.

Are You Ready To Become A Healthy Mummy?

If you’re looking for more best and easy, low-budget, healthy meals like this delicious recipe, you’ll love our Winter Weight Loss Challenge.

You’ll have access to 3,000 recipes, 28 days of customisable, breastfeeding-friendly meal plans each month as well as daily mum-friendly exercise plans.

Thousands of mums take part in our challenges every month and have lost 2 million kilos between them!

Prices start from less than a dollar a day.  Learn More Now


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