7 delicious and HEALTHY sweet treats WITHOUT sugar

Sweet treats aren't off limits when you're being healthy! This mum has made seven types of HEALTHY sweet desserts and still lost weight!
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Sweet treats don’t have to be off limits when you are eating healthy. It’s just a matter of making BETTER sweet treat choices!

This mum has made seven types of HEALTHY sweet desserts from her 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge meal plan from the app and they look so yummy!

Kate Jacklin reveals she’s been following The Healthy Mummy for several years with great success and has managed to curb her sweet tooth with these delicious healthy alternatives from the app.


Unhealthy sweet treat cravings

Before Kate found The Healthy Mummy, she says she used to eat a lot of unhealthy sweet treats.

“I used to sit around a lot, eating really unhealthy foods. I would never eat breakfast and literally have bags of M&Ms for lunch or packets of biscuits,” she says.

“I would get up and go for walks, but usually only to the supermarket to buy more bad food.”

Kate joined the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and began making healthy choices and making her own healthy sweet treats as well exercising regularly. Kate has lost 20.7kgs altogether through and has continued to get fitter and stronger.

“I use Sundays as my meal prep day as my partner is home and can distract the kids,” she says. “I make a lot of snacks that have dark chocolate in them because I know they will leave me feeling satisfied and I also know that if I deprive myself I won’t stay on track if I’m unhappy.”

Healthy sweet treats Kate makes

Cookie Dough bLiss Balls

Who doesn’t LOVE raw cookie dough?!!! Well guess what, this cookie dough bliss ball recipe is not only healthy can also be part of your meal plan (as you can swap any recipe in for another).

At just 82 calories per ball, you just HAVE to try them. Get this recipe here.

Apricot and Oat Bliss Balls

Apricot and Oat Bliss Balls

Another healthy snack that is lunch box friendly. This recipe makes 6 serves so store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for a few days to freeze.

These bliss balls are 129 calories per serve. You can find this recipe on the The Healthy Mummy app recipe hub.

Berry Jam Drops (without the jam and added dates and walnuts)

Berry Jam Drop (Date & Walnut)

A sweet biscuit recipe that will take you back to your childhood!

These drops are only 84 calories per serve.  You can find this recipe on the The Healthy Mummy app recipe hub.

Turkish Delight Bites

Turkish Delight Bites

These little delights are delicious to have when you need something indulgent and an energy boost. (Rosewater can be found in the baking aisle of most large supermarkets.)

Try our Turkish Delight Bites today for a delish sweet treat and they are only 115 calories per serve

Choc Chip Fudge

Choc Chip Fudge

Fudge doesn’t need to be off the menu when you are trying to lose weight. If you make your own from scratch, you can enjoy everything you love about fudge without the piles of butter and sugar. Plus they’re only 154 calories per serve!

Most of these ingredients you probably already have in the pantry cupboard already.

Get the recipe for this here.

Choc Banana Fudge

Choc Banana Fudge

Unlike traditional fudge, which is loaded with butter and sugar, this healthy version is sweetened with fruit and just a small amount of maple syrup.

Its creaminess comes from the peanut butter (find the 100% nut version) and the banana itself. Sweet treats don’t need to be a thing of the past when you move to a healthy eating plan.

This fudge is 95 calories per serve and you can try this recipe No Bake Chocolate Banana Fudge today

Yoghurt Berry Mini Cheesecake

Yoghurt Berry Mini Cheesecakes

Small bites of healthy cheesecake that have a berry burst – delicious! Great to make in advance and share with friends at your next barbecue.

These cheesecakes work out at 111 calories per serve and you can find this recipe on the The Healthy Mummy app recipe hub.

Kate’s 10 top tips to help you stay on track while losing weight

1. Meal prep

Meal prep. Make it a thing.

Get all of your snacks made, cut up your vegetables, make meals and freeze them. Your week will be SO much easier. By having meals prepared you can grab it out of the fridge/freezer and eat it instantly.

There’s no excuse and or reason to opt for takeaway or grab something unhealthy that way.

2. Write your main goals down

set smart goals

Put them somewhere you will see them regularly. For example on a mirror or inside a cupboard door. They will be a reminder of what you want to achieve.

3. Write down your smaller goals 

Write down two or three short term goals and your goals for the month. Be sure to include what you are aiming to achieve in the next 28 days following the Challenge. 

Again, pop these notes somewhere you will SEE all the time.

4. Plan your meals

As part of 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, your NEW meal plans are released every Wednesday. Make Wednesday or Thursday meal planning day! Sit down, get your meal plan up and customise it for the next week so there’s plenty of variety that you and the family will love.

5. Write out your groceries

Once you’ve customised your meal plan you can finalise your grocery list, and you are set. Use The Healthy Mummy app grocery list for everything you need for the week, but be sure to check what you already have on hand (so you don’t double up and waste money) and you are set to head to the supermarket.

I suggest doing your groceries right away if you have the time. This way you will have every ingredient needed for the week ahead, leaving you with NO reason not to follow your meal plan and stray from your weight loss goals. 

6. Place reminders around your house

Have your meal plan visible. Write your meal plan down and put it in your kitchen where you can see it, giving you no excuse not to use it. Leave notes for yourself to drink more water. Leave yourself reminders to move more. 

7. Drink The Healthy Mummy Smoothies

Grab a Healthy Mummy Smoothie as they are full of vitamins and minerals, are delicious, and quick and easy to make! They are a fantastic meal replacement or snack, especially when you want to make healthy choices on the go!

Get your Smoothies here.

8. Reward yourself

Decide on a reward for the end of the month if you do achieve your short term goals. After all, you deserve it. You have been working hard. Whether it’s buying new active wear or getting your hair done or a night out with friends, just do it and say thank you to YOU!

Set the rewards as you set your goals.  A big reward for once you have achieved your main goal/s, something exciting! Perhaps a night away? A photo shoot? Pick ANYTHING you must to make sure YOU GET THERE!

9. Have breakfast every day

Fuel your body with breakfast every day as you will kick start your metabolism and get the fuel you need for the day ahead. If you don’t fancy actual food, you can always
replace breakfast with The Healthy Mummy smoothies on it’s own with milk or water or add veggies, fruit, nuts or anything else you love to give you a great start to your day.  Try these real mum favourites smoothie recipes and see our tips for getting prepared for those busy mornings.

10. Put on activewear first thing and get moving

Jump into your active wear every morning! When you get a spare 10 minutes you can exercise.

The Tabata workouts on the app are perfect when you want to workout but don’t have much time as some  are only four minutes long – everyone has time for that!  There’s no excuses NOT to get moving. Check out our Tabata workouts

Thanks for the amazing tips Kate!

More on Kate’s 18.5kg weight loss story

Kate says before she found The Healthy Mummy, she struggled to find clothes that would fit her.

“That feeling you get when you’re going out, have tried on so many outfits and they’re all too tight, so you end up wearing the same thing every time you go anywhere.

kate 2

“That’s what I was feeling every day, none of my clothes fit and I didn’t want to buy new clothes because I was embarrassed about the size I would need to buy.”

“Thankfully, I was introduced to The Healthy Mummy. I needed to stop eating a bag of M&Ms every day each day and get my own life on track in a healthy way. Which is exactly what the Healthy Mummy has taught me to do! I love telling people, ‘It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.’

“Now when I go shopping to find a dress, I fit a size 8! I could not be happier. My body is now so much healthier and stronger than it ever has been.”

If you are inspired by Kate’s before and after pics and want to take charge of your own health and weight – then join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY.

kickstarter challenge

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