Night shift worker mum lost 23kg with the help of our Healthy Mummy Smoothies
Busy night shift worker mum-of-3 Stacey Wingrave has found the Healthy Mummy Smoothies to be the perfect solution for helping her lose her baby weight. And for giving her the much needed energy to get through the hectic days and nights.
In just 10 months, Stacey has lost 23kg and is looking and feeling AMAZING! She can’t believe she has achieved this by upping her meals from one to three meals a day.
Read her weight loss journey below.
About Stacey
23 year old Stacey Wingrave is one VERY BUSY mum. She has three kids under 4 years old which she looks after during the day, and then works two night shift jobs!
A Super Mum – yes, she is!
Stacey weighed 55kg before falling pregnant with her first child at 18 years old.
Two more pregnancies followed soon after. All 3 kids were born in 2.5 years via c-section.
Stacey says “During the last two pregnancies I had gestational diabetes and put a lot of weight on.
After my 3rd child I weighed 80kg. Then the birth control I was on put 15kg on, leaving me at 95kg”.
Having suffered from depression since she was 14 years and not feeling herself after having 3 kids, Stacey decided she needed to try and turn her life around. And that she did!
She says “After pulling myself out of the depression I was in, I decided to turn it around and slowly reach goals working towards getting my body back”.
Getting started with The Healthy Mummy Smoothies
Juggling 3 kids during the day and working two night shift jobs means Stacey is always busy.
She says “One job is cleaning so I’m always on the go in a rushed environment, and the other is hospitality.
With all this running around, she admits that eating meals and eating healthy has always been a struggle.
Most days she would skip breakfast and lunch and only have dinner.
Looking for something quick, and convenient solution Stacey decided to try the Healthy Mummy Smoothies.
Her favourite smoothie combo became Healthy Mummy Vanilla Smoothie mix with fresh mango, spinach, Super Greens and The Healthy Mummy Protein Mix.
She says “I started having the Healthy Mummy Smoothies for breakfast and lunch and then a meal for dinner, so I was at least getting something into me”.
“Smoothies are quick, delicious and I can have them on the go”
A huge fan on how convenient they are, Stacey says “The smoothies are perfect because they are quick, delicious and I can have them on the go”.
See 12 smoothie recipes with 5 ingredients and less
Adding in exercise
After starting on upping her meal intake, it wasn’t long before Stacey started adding exercise into her week too.
She now goes to Pound exercise class one day a week, football training one night a week and she plays football one afternoon a week. Way to go STACEY!!
Weight loss results – 23kg in 10 months
From 95kg down to 72kg – that’s 23kg weight loss. And only 6kg from her goal weight.
How I lost the weight?
Stacey says “The main change I made was trying to get something into my body for breakfast and lunch because at the time I was only having the one meal a day.
It’s crazy how our bodies lose weight when eating the correct amount even if that means eating more.
Between working two jobs, having three young kids to run after during the day, footy training and exercise classes, the Healthy Mummy Smoothies help a lot.”
What has changed in your life since losing the weight?
Since starting her weight loss journey 10 months ago Stacey says “I’m feeling a lot better in myself e.g. confidence wise and I physically feel so much better.
I wouldn’t have been able to play a full game of footy on the field 10 months ago whereas now I can.
Since losing the weight I have also got back into skateboarding.
I’m still not at my goal weight yet, but I’m not far off.
The support from all the Healthy Mummy ladies from the very beginning has been a huge help”.
WOW! The Healthy Mummy team would like to congratulate Stacey on her FANTASTIC mental and physical transformation and for sharing her inspiring story with us.
Grab your own Healthy Mummy Smoothie today!
Having a Healthy Mummy Smoothie can be a great addition to your day – plus if you are a breastfeeding mum they are safe for use in breastfeeding. You can use them with healthy eating plans on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges.
Mums all over the world, love our smoothies. And they are great for getting lots of nutrition into your body if you are too time poor or tired to cook a meal. Mums know they can trust our weight loss smoothies and guaranteed optimal health and nutritional benefits from them.
Ready to jump on board with thousands of other mums who are losing weight while enjoying these mouthwatering smoothie recipes? If so, order your Healthy Mummy smoothie mix today.
Need more great recipes? Check out many more of our free smoothie recipes.
Want to know more? Read what makes The Healthy Mummy smoothie different from other weight loss shakes?
Why smoothies are great for busy and breastfeeding mums.
You may also enjoy reading real mum inspirational weight loss stories.
Buy your own Healthy Mummy Smoothie today.