How this mum plans to resist sugary treats this Easter
What else do you eat at Easter instead of store bought (and let’s face it, sugar-laden) treats like Easter eggs and hot cross buns?
There are no real healthy options out there to get into the festivities.
And as it’s a four day holiday associated with sugary treats, mum Cassie reveals she has a plan to resist the chocolate eggs and hot cross buns this Easter!
How this mum plans to stay on track this Easter
Cassie Mckay has been part of the Healthy Mummy community for four years and lost 14 kilos with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge (read more of her story below).
“I most definitely plan on staying on track this Easter and meal prep will play a big part in that. I have already been checking out recipes on the recipe hub and the website,” Cassie said.
Cassie plans on taking food to the events she has on over Easter, making Healthy Mummy Hot cross buns (again) as she says, “they were a hit with the family.”
As a practice run of the Easter recipes, Cassie took a plate to work for morning tea which consisted of, Choc Weetbix Slice, Raw Cookie Dough Bars, Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Crumble Balls (found on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge) served with strawberries and raspberries.
These recipes are great substitutes for chocolate Easter eggs as they give you the sugar hit without the processed sugar, but you still get that yummy chocolatey flavour!
If you’re a hot cross bun addict, try our Healthy Mummy healthy hot cross buns which are just as good as the real thing sans the guilt!
Post Easter plan
“I’ll be taking soda water and herbal tea infusions so that I have something a little special to drink,”
she says.
Having followed the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge for some time, Cassie says the thought of too much chocolate makes her feel sick.
“I’ll most likely stick to the Healthy Mummy chocolate treats,” says Cassie.
But she’s not completely skipping the treats!
Cassie says, “My partner and I usually have half an Easter egg in our coffee as a special Easter treat.”
Already planning ahead, Cassie is taking measures to ensure she feels her best after the Easter break.
“I know that while I plan on eating healthy foods over Easter, that I will likely eat over my BMR a couple of days, so plan on doing the 7 Day Cleanse once it is all over,” she says.
Cassie’s weight loss story!
The pic on the left is Cassie 15 months after her second child and the second is 14 months following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge. And she’s over 14kg down!
Cassie says, “11 years ago I wore the swimsuit on holiday with my partner. After 2 kids, I wouldn’t have even dreamed I’d ever fit back into this bikini!”
Read more about Cassie’s results here
Join Cassie on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge
10 top tips to stay on track this Easter
Easter can be one of those times during the year we can fall ‘off track’ a little. The most important thing to remember is, if you are celebrating Easter, that it is just one day out of the whole entire year and if you are wanting to eat chocolate, enjoy it!
1. Buy non-chocolate gifts
Avoid temptation! If you have friends and family asking to buy gifts for your children, offer some non-chocolate ideas: Arts and craft, pyjamas, bath bombs/bubble bath, books, vouchers, puzzles or games.
2. Make healthier alternatives
If you are entertaining see our Healthy Mummy Easter Ebook filled with healthier recipe ideas.
3. Use plastic eggs instead of chocolate
Try choosing smaller chocolates or hollow eggs for easter hunts. The kids (and adults) will still see and collect lots of colourful eggs without having excess left over after Easter.
We love reusable plastic egg shaped containers that you can fill. You can find these in most supermarkets and these are great for egg hunts and gifts. You can fill them with anything you like, small toys, lollies/chocolate or treats of your choosing or even clues for an egg hunt.
4. Melt down leftover chocolate instead of eating it
If you find you have excess chocolates left over at the end of Easter and wish to avoid temptation, try chopping, melting or crushing your chocolates into one of our recipes, such as the Wholemeal Choc Chip Muffins and Peanut Bubble Crunch.
You can also freeze leftover chocolates so they are ‘out of sight’ but still available for a sweet treat when you choose.
5. Choose dark chocolate over light chocolate
Choose dark chocolate where you can. Dark chocolate can offer a lower calorie, lower sugar option whilst still enjoying the chocolate flavour.
6. Avoid filled and flavoured chocolate eggs
Instead, utilise plain chocolate varieties if you are being cautious of your chocolate and calorie intake over Easter.
7. Eat before heading to your family gatherings
Eating breakfast or a snack with a source of protein before you head to your Easter get togethers can help you make more mindful choices rather than arriving hungry.
8. Be mindful of your serving sizes
If you are watching your calorie intake over Easter, think about how much you’re putting on your plate. Often Big chocolate bunnies and eggs can be a family serving. Look at the labels and make an informed decision.
9. Get moving
Keep active with the family and make it fun. Often Easter means some businesses are closed so your whole family might get the chance to spend some extra time together so make the most of it! A family walk, a game of sport in the backyard, a trip to the beach, a play at the park can be great ways to move your body without it seeming like a chore.
10. Drink lots of water
Focus on your water intake. Try to keep a water bottle nearby. Sipping on water can help with hunger and over indulging.