The New Year’s resolutions that we WILL SMASH!

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On the final days of the year, surrounded by loved ones, full of good food and drink and reflecting on the past year, you will more than likely come up with a few goals that you would love to accomplish in the New Year.

Our community shared these goals and we were surprised by just how many of us share the same resolutions.

So, what are the most popular New Year’s resolutions and how can we ensure that we not only stay on track but absolutely smash these goals?

By doing it as a team, of course! So, to all the Healthy Mummies, here’s how we are going to make this our BEST year EVER!

new year resolutions coevered

The Resolutions that topped the charts

1. To have more energy

With a healthier lifestyle comes the energy to actually accomplish the things you want to do, without feeling exhausted or constantly burning out. Not having enough energy can come down to a number of things including mental health, poor nutrition or physical conditions. But whatever the case, now’s the time to get on track and boost those energy levels up!

2. To lose kilograms/ to fit into a certain size


This was probably the most popular resolution from our community of mums. And while the numbers varied, from 5 kilograms to 65 kilograms, weight loss is a journey that is best done together. Celebrate every centimetre lost and share the road to weight loss with countless other mums with the same goal. This is what The Healthy Mummy is all about.

3. To give up smoking, sugar or sweets


It’s not easy to break a habit, especially an addictive one. Take it one day at a time.

7 ways to reduce your sugar intake in 7 days

4. To say yes to the kids more

Many mums admit that they spent too much on the sidelines watching the kids without joining in. This year, it’s going to stop.

This year we are all going to join in, to get out there and to say yes to the activities that we may not feel confident doing, but that bring our children so much joy. Dance to crappy pop music in the living room. Frolic in the waves at the beach. Ride the slides at the water park. And cherish the sounds of laughter that these moments bring your children.

5. To have a baby

newborn sleep safe

If this is one of your resolutions, then have a look at our article on everything you need to know about trying to conceive.

6. To feel confident again

When you have a baby, you sometimes lose yourself. And your former body. With this loss, comes a loss of your confidence. Getting this confidence back is a mental struggle that pretty much every mum goes through, some worse than others. But you can do it – it’s all about finding that self-love within.

7. To conquer a marathon, mountain or Miss Muddy


Whether you want to run 5 km or want to compete in a triathlon, having a fitness goal and an actual event to attend is such a great way to stay inspired. So, so, to all mums who plan on doing Miss Muddy, Tough Mudder, the Ironman, a marathon or any other type of insane fitness event, good luck. You’ve got this!

8. To take time for yourself

There is so much pressure on parents these days to be perfect all the time. And, when we slip up or step back, even for an hour, we often feel guilty. Make this year the year this guilt stops. Take breaks. Ask for help. Put yourself first every once in a while.

More resolutions to help inspire you…

A few more resolutions our mums shared with us.

  1. Lose Tummy Fat – read our 7 ways to lose tummy fat here
  2. Lose the last 5kg – see all you need to know on losing the last 5kg here
  3. Cut Back On Coffee – get our help on how to cut back from coffee here
  4. Reduce Junk Food – see help on how to beat junk food addictions here
  5. Increase Exercise – get ways to get in more exercise here
  6. Overcome excuses and keep motivation – get our FREE No Excuses Pack here
  7. Eat less takeaways – get our takeaway meal makeover recipe pack here and ditch the greasy takeaways

A massive shout-out to all the mums who shared their resolutions with us. It takes dedication, motivation and hard work to make these resolutions a reality but, with the right program and support, it’s completely possible!

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