Top 5 foods to avoid when detoxing
Do you want to lose a couple of dress sizes? Do you want to be able to run 5 kilometres without stopping? Do you want to become the next meal prep queen? Do you want to lose 10 kilograms? 20 kilograms?
Well, the best way to make these sorts of goals a GO is by starting with a DETOX – to help rid your body of all the toxins it may have accumulated over the previous months. And what better way to kick off your goals than by joining the 7 Day Cleanse before beginning the next 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge?!
Whether you join the Challenge or not, when it comes to ‘detoxing’ it is crucial to know that what you eat is just as important as what you don’t eat.
Top 5 foods to avoid when detoxing
To decrease a toxin load, it is best to avoid the following types of foods…
1. Alcohol
Alcohol is downright bossy on the liver. Your wine, beer, and spirits pushes everything to the side and demands attention. This means everything else sits around and waits.
Waiting = stagnation. Pretty much the opposite of what a detox is meant to achieve.
2. Dairy
Another known inflammatory food that is commonly loaded with hormones.
More inflammation and more hormones means stress to the body, not a needed addition to a detox. So reduce the cheese and try making smoothies with nut based milks for a little while.
Try our Choc Mint Cherry smoothie!
3. Caffeine
Yet another chemical for the body to break down!
The only way coffee is recommended during a detox is for the very detoxifying coffee enema.
If you drink a lot of coffee, reduce your intake slowly so your body doesn’t have as many side effects from an abrupt change.
4. Processed and chemical-laden foods
Anything in packages not made by Mother Nature as well as soft drinks or energy drinks should be avoided. Fluid is so important during a detox so better to stick with filtered water and herbal teas instead.
Tea has more benefits than just the benefits from detoxing. Read up on them here.
5. Sugar
Reduce added sugar as much as possible when doing a detox. Use fresh fruits to sweeten meals or try a stevia based sweetener.
Feeling the sugar cravings coming on? Try out these sweet but not sweet recipes.
To learn more about foods to avoid and what ones to eat while detoxing, check out our 7 Day Cleanse for 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge members. Sign up here.